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Changmin's POV

"Invitations please." The policeman we recognised as Kevin spoke, his hand reaching out towards us. "Here." Younghoon spoke as he held up the invitation he got from his parents. Younghoon comes from a wealthy family, his parents are the founders of one of the biggest media companies and he came on behalf.

"You may enter, Mr. Kim." Kevin gave us his approval even though his eyes followed us as we entered the hall. "Let's split up. Distract the police and look for the girl." I ordered, moving away from the crowd and finding a quiet corner in the hall as I kept a general look out.

Sipping on a glass of wine I got on the way, my eyes skimmed the bustling crowd as I tried to catch sight of either my boys or Y/n and her teammates. Looking towards the right where the beverages were, I spotted Younghoon who was busy with someone familiar.

Kim Sunwoo. Y/n's partner...which means she's alone now. I chuckled to myself as I watched Younghoon try to stall Sunwoo by bumping into him and spilling a glass of cocktail on him. A great actor indeed.

Turning away from that scene, my eyes landed on Juyeon standing behind a petite female figure. Great, he found Y/n. My attention was fixed on them, observing. I watched her body language, finding it amusing; how she froze, blushed and acted.

My eyes were fixated on her even when Juyeon left her side and walked towards me, that was when our eyes met as I saw how her eyes widened behind her mask.

Juyeon and I took the chance to slip away from the hall as a group of people walked past us. We made our way to one of the further corridors to meet the boys which we had agreed on previously. "Hey." Chanhee said as he lifted himself off the wall; he didn't enter the hall with us as he stayed outside to watch the situation from his phone instead.

Slowly, one by one all of us were gathered as we waited for Y/n. "Why's she taking so long? I'll go take a look." Juyeon complained, walking towards where we came from only to stop in his tracks when someone bumped into him. We watched as he spun her to face us, his arm around her shoulders.

"Hello there, Y/n. It's nice to see you again." I said, a corner of my lip lifted upwards as I removed my mask, others following my action. The smirk on my face grew as I saw her reaction; how her eyes widened and were fixed on me, her small figure unmoving and that was how she stayed for a while. "Good looking, huh? We all are." Juyeon's voice snapped her out of her trance momentarily as she resumed staring at the five of them with wide eyes.

After introducing themselves to her, she finally regained herself. "Okay...how did you guys get in?" Her voice was quiet, her question earning a chuckle from Chanhee. "We have our ways." He waved his hand around as he brushed it off nonchalantly, making the unsatisfied girl pout. Cute. I was shocked at my own thought, shaking my head a little but looks like I wasn't the only one who had that thought.

I watched as Juyeon leaned in closer towards her, whispering something none of us could hear except the now blushing girl. Lee Juyeon and his flirting, I thought as I rolled my eyes mentally. Clearing my throat, I managed to pull their attention back towards me. So, why did you ask for me?" She asked, her arms folded.

"We need your help."

Y/n's POV

I was so confused, doubting what I had just heard. Why would they need my help? My head tilted to the side as I looked at Changmin, my brows slightly furrowed. "Ji Changmin." Changmin was about to speak when he got cut off, by a voice I knew very well. Changmin's eyes left me, staring straight at someone a few steps behind me.

"Ah, Lee Sangyeon. It's been awhile hasn't it?" Sangyeon? Do they know each other? "Cut the crap. Lee Juyeon, let Y/n go." Sangyeon's voice was firm, annoyed even. Juyeon released me with a laugh, arms raised as he back stepped to his friends.

"Since Sangyeon interrupted us, we'll see you next time then Y/n." Changmin spoke before sprinting off with his crew. "Hey-" Sangyeon as about to chase after them but I stopped him. His head snapped towards me, sighing as he relaxed. "You okay?" Sangyeon asked as we walked back to the hall while I nodded in response.

"I'll call for a meeting tomorrow, and I want you to tell us exactly what happened." He said, patting me on my head before leaving to find Hyunjae. "Y/n? Where were you?" Sunwoo grabbed my arm as I wondered around looking for him. "I erm, I will explain tomorrow." I told him, there was too much going on in my mind. He frowned but didn't press on further as he simply nodded.

"Why were you gone though?" I asked him, remembering that he left to get drinks but didn't return. "Someone knocked into me and his drink spilled on me, I had to go clean up." He groaned, pointing at the faded stain on his shirt. "Must be one of them." I mumbled softly but he caught it.

"One of who? Stealers?" I nodded at his question, causing his eyes to widen in shock. "Again? What's their deal with you? You okay?" Sunwoo bent down slightly to meet my eyes, finger poking at my temple. "I don't really know either but yes, I'm okay. Now stop that, it's annoying." I answered, swatting his finger away.

heyhey another chap is here!

hope you like it :)

also happy birthday to the most precious dimple boy, Ji Changmin <3

~thedouble_a (5/11/20)

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