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Y/n's POV

"Okay love." Changmin whispered, giving me a toothy grin along with a peck on my forehead before he headed out to meet Eric. Almost immediately, I could feel my heart pounding as blood rushed to my cheeks. The effect he has on me now...

Looking out from his room's window, I let out a sigh as I watched their car disappear into the darkness. The uneasy feeling settling in me yet again once I've calmed down from Changmin's actions just now. Why do I keep feeling this way?

I had plopped down onto Changmin's soft bed, staring into space when Chanhee walked in. "Y/n? Why are you here?" He asked, obviously not expecting to see me in his leader's room. "Oh, Chanhee-ah." I acknowledged him absentmindedly.

"Are you worried about Changmin?" He asked, sitting himself next to me who gave him a nod. "Why? He'll be fine plus he's with Eric, don't worry so much. That guy is smarter and better than he looks, by that guy I meant Changmin." Chanhee gave me a pat on my shoulder, a comfortable silence following after.

"So how's it going? I know it hasn't been long since I last talked to you about the two but well, I don't have much chance to talk to you one on one." Chanhee broke the silence, turning to face me. "Yeah, it hasn't been long but things happened." The boy looked at me with expectant eyes, letting me know I had his attention. "They've both kissed me."

"OMO OMO! How was it?" The now excited Chanhee clasped his hands together while I told him everything that had happened. From the mission with Changmin to Sunwoo's teasing, everything. Chanhee listened attentively, nodding as he processed my words.

"Okay, wtf. All that happened and you told no one?! Until now? Gurl, next time don't keep it to yourself. You can come to me, I'll listen to everything." Emphasising on the word everything, I could tell he was genuine in wanting to help so I gave him an okay sign. Chanhee was cool even though we haven't talked much; a sassy boy who has a kind heart.

"Y/n, now a serious question." He suddenly cleared his throat, holding my shoulders. "Who made your heart flutter more?" Yet again, his words got me thinking hard. "You know, who makes you more nervous? Who do you worry about more, think about more? Most importantly, who do you feel safer and loved with?" I think I know who it is now.

"Do you have an answer now?" Chanhee asked proudly since he had been studying my expressions. Nodding quickly, I gave him a quick hug of gratitude for helping me get my thoughts straight. "Good luck with him then." He winked as he gave me a pat on my head. "Thanks, Chanhee."

Changmin's POV

The ride there was quiet; I was staring out the window while Eric drove, until the Jung's building was in sight. Eric had started getting hyped once he noticed the tall building, blabbering at top speed. "Yoooo, that building is huge! Do we get to scale the wall like Spiderman? Smash walls like Superman?" This is gonna be a long night, I thought as I shook my head at the excited boy.

"We're in. Is everything clear?" I spoke softly to those who were back at the headquarters. "Yeps, not a single human." came Juyeon's voice after a short pause. Knowing they can see us, we nodded as we quickly headed towards the private office.

"Ya boi Eric is here!" The ever energetic boy announced to the empty office once we got in. "Eric, we're here as thieves. We do NOT announce our arrivals even when there's no one here." You have no idea how much I wanted to slam my head into the wall next to me.

"Now let's get to work, we don't have all night." I slightly pushed passed Eric as I began to look around, ignoring my still pounding head. Finally in peace, we began flipping through the office in search of whatever form the recording is in. I was digging around the shelves while Eric was at the desk.

"FOUND IT!" His loud scream caused me to stumble while I whipped around to face him, knocking into the untouched shelf next to me. Eric was having a celebratory moment when he suddenly paused, expression changing from excitement to shock. "Erm, what's that red light behind you?"

I was confused at a moment, turning around to see what he was pointing at. A red light glared right at me. Shit, it's a cctv that isn't connected to the general surveillance system. "Guys, we have a problem." Eric whispered into the device.

"We're being watched."


~thedouble_a (10/5/21)

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