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Y/n's POV

This house is really incredibly huge, where the hell is the washroom? I huffed as I tried to find the washroom for a short break from patrolling and from my favourite partner, Kim Sunwoo.

He's either cold towards me or only bothers me when he needs something from me or to tease me, what have I ever done to him? I kept ranting mentally, not noticing there was someone in front of me and walked straight into him.

Oh shit, it's the Jungs' son. "I'm so sorry omg, I didn't see you." I bowed and apologised frantically, stopping when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "No worries, you look bothered. Are you okay?" He chuckled, a smile plastered on his face. "Oh, I'm fine. I-uh..." I drifted off.

No I'm not okay I need the toilet, should I ask him? Oh god it's so embarrassing but whatever. "I just can't find the washroom?" I smiled sheepishly at the pretty boy whose smile widened at my answer. "I'll bring you there, come on." He said as he signalled for me to follow him.

I trailed behind him, looking around to memorise the way to one of the washrooms in this maze-like house and once again, walking into the man's chest. "Owh, sorry again." I apologised again. "It's fine, the washroom's here." He informed, pointing towards the white door. "Ah, thank you."

Twisting the door knob, I stepped out into the long corridor expecting it to be empty but to my surprise, the man I knocked into twice was still there leaning against the wall. "Erm, Mr. Jung?" I called, confused as to why he was still here. "Oh, I thought I should wait for you so I could lead you to wherever you need to be since you were quite lost." He smiled warmly, pushing himself off the wall as he walked to my side.

"Thank you, Mr Jung. I am indeed rather lost, the house is huge." I exclaimed. "Call me Wooyoung, Mr. Jung makes me feel old." Wooyoung laughed as we started walking towards the dining room since it was time for lunch.

Wooyoung was actually a really funny guy with a contagious smile and laughter. I was laughing at a joke he cracked when we arrived at the dining room, earning stares from my team mates as I smiled awkwardly at the sudden attention I was getting from them.

"I see you've met my son. This is Wooyoung, he's the same age as you guys so just be comfortable around him." Mrs Jung said. "Well, someone already seems very comfortable around him." Sunwoo muttered but Wooyoung and I had caught it as we were just standing behind him, making me glare daggers into the back of his head before taking a seat between Sangyeon and Hyunjae.

It was a rather serious lunch with the Jungs filling us in on the break-in. "These guys are indeed good. They barely left any clues behind except for that short footage and note that was printed out. No worries Mr and Mrs Jung, we'll be extra alert and I'm sure they will be back soon." Sangyeon reassured, standing up and making his way to a meeting room that was prepared for us as we followed him.

"This is toughhhh." Kevin whined as he plopped into his seat, looking at the ceiling. "All we know is that they're real smart and crafty and has an awesome hacker who missed out one of the security cameras." Hyunjae puffed his cheeks as he listed the few leads we have.

"I guess we can only wait for them to strike again then, please be super alert and careful when you're patrolling and especially those positioned at the basement. Now, go take a short break." Sangyeon reminded, concluding the meeting.

"Had fun with the son?" I heard a voice beside me, and of course it was Sunwoo. "He just guided me to the washroom and he was friendly. Watch your words." I clicked my tongue at him and walked ahead of him.

Not wanting to be stuck in a room with the devil himself, I somehow found my way to the Jung's garden which of course was huge, practically the size of a football field. I sat down on the swing, enjoying the view of the colourful flower patches.

"You again?" A voice interrupted me, making me snap my head towards the owner. "Wooyoung?" I chuckled, shifting a little to make space for him. "It's pretty isn't it? I come here whenever I need a breather." He asked, smiling proudly at the garden.

"Are you okay? You look bothered." I copied his statement from earlier, earning a joking glare from him. "I'm just a little worried about those guys. Not so much about my parents' money and all but I don't want them to hurt anyone." He sighed, taking a glance at me. "I understand. We'll try our best to protect whatever we can." I gave him a soft smile, patting his back.

"I'm counting on all of you then, so are my parents."

second chapter is hereee! and yes welcome to the book, Jung Wooyoung

~thedouble_a (12/10/20)

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