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Sunwoo's POV

"We want Hyunjae, Sunwoo and Y/n."

"Yes!" Hyunjae cheered, repetitively hitting me on the back while I stayed silent, trying to decipher what the other leader was thinking. He does know I don't like him, right? "Okay, we'll take Younghoon, Chanhee and Haknyeon then." Sangyeon nodded, simply shrugging when I sent him a look asking for help.

"Great, that's that then. We'll start tomorrow, I look forward to working with you guys." Changmin concluded, his smirk growing wider as his eyes were fixed on me. What's he thinking?

As soon as we were back at the Jungs' residence, I trudged into my room in search of my roommate. "Yah, Young Y/n. I have news for you." I sighed the moment I caught sight of her sitting on her bed.

"What's up?" She asked, curious eyes following me as I sat opposite her. "Ji Changmin wants us to go over to his team starting tomorrow, along with Hyunjae." I told her, along with an explanation of the meeting we just had. "So, we have to break-in to their-" Scared that our conversation was overhead, I quickly slapped my palm on her lips. "Yah, control your loud mouth." I scolded her as she nodded.

"So you're saying we have to break-in to their office to collect evidence?" She excitedly whispered, leaning in closer to me. "Yes, which part of my sentence do you not understand?" I rolled my eyes jokingly at her, earning a slap on my arm in return. "Omg, that's gonna be so much fun!" She clapped in excitement, which I couldn't understand why.

"Why're you so happy about this?" I asked, Y/n shrugging her shoulders with a small 'I don't know'. "Are you happy about the mission or are you happy about being able to work with them?" I probed out of genuine curiosity. "Erm both I guess? Why are you frowning?"

Me? Frowning? I looked at her, confused while she pushed against my forehead with a frown that seemed to be mimicking mine. "I'm not." I mumbled, pushing her finger away.

"But hold on. You said Ji Changmin wanted us specifically?" She asked again, turning towards me again. Okay, now I'm really frowning. "Yes and why are you asking about him?" I groaned. "Wow, you really do hate him huh? What did he even do to you?" She asked, teasing eyes scanning my face.

Hate? She's right, what has he done to me? I thought, staring into space. "Oi, Kim Sunwoo?" She called, hands waving in front of my face. "I don't hate him?" I stated but it came out sounding more like a question instead, causing her to laugh at me. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say."

"Anyways I was just curious as to why Changmin wanted us or more like me. You and Hyunjae I understand but me?" Y/n spoke again, pointing at herself. "I don't know too. Why you? You're weak, physically and mentally." I teased, now it was my turn to laugh at her.

"Excuse me?! I am not!" She pouted in denial. "Is that so?" I asked as I stood up, leaning my face close towards her's. "Eish." She cursed softly to herself, panic evident on her face as she tried to avoid my eyes.

"Huh?" I leaned closer to her as an attempt to further fluster her, ignoring my own heart that was beating furiously. "I'm not weak." She mumbled, pushing me back slightly before zooming out of our room with red cheeks. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say." I shouted at her disappearing figure, copying what she had just said to me.

Y/n's POV

Stupid Kim Sunwoo. I cursed at him internally as I walked around the house randomly, until I bumped into Hyunjae who was patrolling. "Oh? Y/n? Did Sunwoo tell you about the new arrangements?" He asked, looking just as excited as I had probably been. "Yeah but I don't get why I was chosen." I told him truthfully as I joined him in his duty. "We honestly have no idea too, no one asked." He answered with a chuckle as I nodded with pursed lips.

"Why are you so keen on finding out why you're chosen by him though?" Hyunjae asked, raising his brow at me with teasing eyes. "Chosen by him? No I'm not." I snorted. "Then why's your face so red?" He continued, causing my hands to fly up to my cheeks which were indeed burning.

Must be Kim Sunwoo...or is it really because of Ji Changmin? "B-because you're annoying?!" I exclaimed, earning his signature 'HAHAHAHA' and a loud shriek as I chased after him with a fist held up.

hellooo another update before this week ends!

will start being busy with work again so I apologise in advance TT

~thedouble_a (13/12/20)

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