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Y/n's POV

I was back in my room, sitting on my bed and spacing out. "Get any closer and she's dead." His voice kept repeating in my mind, my mind running wild as I thought about how easily he could have ended my life right there even though I'm quite sure he wasn't armed. And Sunwoo just let him...

"Oi. Hey! Y/n?!" Sunwoo's loud voice brought me back into reality. "Quite staring into nothing like that. Are you communicating with ghosts or something?" He raised an eyebrow at me, obviously judging me.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, looking down at my feet as I sat curled on the bed. "Yah, stop thinking about that jerk and go to sleep. You never know when they will return, and with that state you're in," He circled his finger at me. "You aren't going to be much help to the team." He's right... I sighed, lying down and tried to get some sleep.

"Wow, you look terrible." Was the first thing I heard from Kim Sunwoo the moment I woke up. "Thanks a lot." I muttered, flinging the blanket off my tired body as I failed miserably at my plan of sleeping. I made my way into the washroom and I have no choice but to agree with what Sunwoo said; I do look terrible.

"Oh dear, Y/n. You look erm horribly tired?" Kevin commented as I stepped into the dining room, Sunwoo snickering behind me. "Y/n, I know the interaction you had with one of them affected you but because of that, you have to be more careful. They might be more inclined to target you, Sunwoo you too." Sangyeon warned, concern evident in his eyes as the two of us nodded.

"Great, all of you are here." Mrs Jung greeted, smiling warmly at us. "Sangyeon has updated us about yesterday's incident, and we would like to thank you guys for being here as thankfully nothing is missing. Keep up the good work." She continued, giving me a pat on the back.

Sunwoo's POV

I stared at the girl who laid unmoving on her bed, back turned against me. Knowing that she was still bothered by the interaction with a member of the notorious group, I sighed. How is she going to handle them in future encounters if she's already this shaken up?

The next morning came in a flash. Turning towards the girl who was still lying in bed, I shook my head and headed towards the washroom to freshen up. Stepping out when I was done, I was met with a now awake Y/n who had dark eye circles and heavy eye bags.

"Wow, you look terrible." I frowned at her tired appearance, slightly worried although we weren't the closest. "Thanks a lot." She muttered quietly but I managed to catch it either way. Since she can be sarcastic, I guess she's fine.

I shrugged as I watched her walk towards the washroom. Just as I finished tidying up my bed, she came out of the washroom looking slightly better, just slightly. I walked a few steps behind her, judging they way she was trudging towards the dining room. "Oh dear, Y/n. You look erm horribly tired?" Kevin commented, making me let out a snort. At least I'm not the only one who thinks that way.

Finishing up the last of my toast, I slumped into the chair. "The Jungs serves great food." I groaned, rubbing my filled tummy. "I'm going back to the room." Y/n left without giving us a chance to even respond, making Sangyeon and Jacob let out a sigh of concern. "Poor Y/n." Jacob pouted slightly at the girl's disappearing figure.

"Sunwoo." Sangyeon called out firmly. "Hmm?" I answered nonchalantly, acting as if he isn't intimidating. "Please keep an eye on Y/n, she needs to snap out of this soon before they come back." He continued, sternly. "Fine." I groaned, tempted to complain but decided not to, seeing how they all looked so stern.

Okay, I admit; it's quite boring without her retorting back at my insults. She hasn't been herself the whole day, quiet and distracted. We were back in our room after our patrolling duty and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Y/n. Quit it, I'm done with your attitude. He didn't do anything to you didn't he? Aren't you sitting here in one piece? Stop acting like he had you at gunpoint. Continue acting like this and maybe that would really happen." I burst out at her as she stared at me with wide eyes. "What? I'm just stating facts here. If you continue being like this, not only does it make it tough for you, it would make it hard for the team as well." I continued, glaring back at her.

"Why didn't you do anything when he had me?" She mumbled, shoulders slumping. Huh? Is that what's affecting her too? "You just stood there..." Her weak voice continued.

"Look, I couldn't do anything. If I shoot at him, there's a high chance I would hit you too. If I moved any closer, god knows what that jerk is capable of; snap your neck, choke you to death. There are factors I have to consider, okay?" I answered, arms folded as I watched her expression soften in realisation. "Fine, you're right. I'm sorry for acting this way, I'll apologise to the rest tomorrow."

Well, looks like the lecture worked. I'm good at this.

tbz's promotions are ending soon :(

~thedouble_a (15/10/20)

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