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Y/n's POV

After the whole buzz, we settled down and had a rather pleasant dinner together as a whole. We had switched our seats so that we'd be mixed around, except the leaders who were at the ends of the table, and I was now between Juyeon and Eric.

I was surprised at how Juyeon and I actually got along rather well, our conversation had been going on smoothly with Eric joining in sometimes. I was laughing at one of his lame jokes when I felt like I was being watched, and indeed a pair of eyes were staring right back at me when I noticed who it was.

Changmin's eyes were unreadable but unmoving, a smirk surfacing on his small face when they were met by mine. Turning my vision away quickly, I felt my cheeks burn slightly as I scanned the others who were all busy talking. Except Kim Sunwoo who was sitting opposite me. Sunwoo was staring, no more like glaring at Changmin with fiery eyes.

"Why are you frowning? Am I that boring?" Juyeon pouted jokingly, pulling my attention back to him. "No, no of course not!" I chuckled, waving my hands at him and earning a laugh in return as he ruffled my hair before returning to his food.

Picking up a spoonful of my food, my eyes glanced to the boy in front of me when I heard a soft scoff, making me freeze in my position; Sunwoo was now glaring What's with him?

Sunwoo's POV

What's with him? I thought to myself as my sight was fixed on the leader of the other group whose eyes were shamelessly fixated on my partner. Why does he keep looking at her? What does he want?

Just then, a familiar laugh broke my train of thoughts. I turned to face forward again. My frown unknowingly got deeper as I saw Y/n and Juyeon laughing together, even more so when his hand reached for her hair to mess it. A scoff involuntarily left me when I saw the scene in front of me, gaining the girl's attention who was now frozen as she met my eyes.

"Yah, quit staring and let go of your spoon before you break it." Chanhee whispered nonchalantly from beside me, picking at the rice left in his bowl and only then did I realise how hard my grip was on the my utensil. "Tch, who said I was staring?" I mumbled, tearing my eyes away from the girl who was now eating her food again. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever floats your boat." Chanhee's hand waved sassily along with a small smile and an eye roll.

Y/n's POV

We were back in our rooms after the meeting plus dinner and I was sitting on my bed as I waited for Sunwoo to finish his longass bath. It has been 20 minutes omg, when will he be done? I complained internally, and when I had finally ran out of patience I went straight to the bathroom that was connected to our room.

"Yah, Kim Sunwoo! Are you showering or swimming? Did you drown and die or-" I shouted from behind the bathroom door, pounding on the door which suddenly opened to reveal a wet haired Sunwoo in a pair of sweatpants and only sweatpants. Yes no shirt. The sight in front of me made me swallow my saliva, my hand stopped mid-air as I was about to beat on the door again.

"I'm out now, are you happy?" Sunwoo smiled at me sarcastically but still recovering from what I was seeing, I just stared blankly at him. "Y/n? Young Y/n!" He called, his hand waving in front of me. "H-huh?" I answered dumbly, snapping out of my trance as I avoided his eyes. "C-can't you put on a damn shirt?!"

"Are you gonna go bathe or are you going to continue admiring me?" Sunwoo's smug tone made blood rush to my cheeks, even more so when he began inching closer towards me as I backed away from him with every step he took. "Looks like you're choosing the second option." A teasing smile was on display as he looked down at me who was now unfortunately backed up against the wall.

"N-no, I choose to b-bathe." Dumb Y/n, why are you stuttering?! I scolded myself mentally, still averting my eyes away from his as I tried to escape from him. Which was of course a failure as I was now trapped between him and the wall, his arms caging me. "W-what are y-you doing? You're t-too n-near." Oh hell, why am I still stuttering...

By now, a huge triumphant smile was etched on Sunwoo's face. "Then why are you not pushing me away?" He whispered next to my ear, his deep voice sending shivers down my back as I finally looked up at him and regretted immediately.

His face was right in front of mine, just inches away, droplets of water from his wet hair dripping onto my cheeks. We held our eye contact for awhile, until a water droplet landed in my eye, causing me to blink and rub my eye. "Cute but stop rubbing." He chuckled as his hand reached up to pull my wrist away gently before bringing both his hands to my face, wiping the water from his hair away from my face.

I stood frozen, eyes wide in shock as I stared at him. "Now, go and bathe. You smell like the restaurant." Sunwoo scrunched his nose (cutely), pinching my cheeks before he walked away as if nothing had happened while my eyes followed his disappearing figure that turned into our room. What just happened...? And heart, why are you beating so quickly?

hey thereee! another chapter is up hehe

hope you enjoyed <3

pls vote/comment too :)

anyways its the first day of December! happy December everyone <3

~thedouble_a (1/12/20)

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