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Sangyeon's POV

The night Y/n and I had encountered The Stealers, I couldn't sleep. I had mixed feelings about seeing them, especially their leader. Indeed, Changmin and I had known each other since several years ago, and I would have to let my team know about him. Thinking about how to explain it to them, I dozed off slowly.

Morning came in a flash. I groaned as I sat up, staring out the window next to my bed before heading to wash up. Soon after, all of us were gathered around the dining table for breakfast.

Breakfast was unusually quiet as the eyes of the four boys kept darting around from Y/n to me, probably curious about what had happened yesterday since they went there at the scene. "I'll fill you guys in later, now eat and quit staring at us." I sighed, shoving the toast into my mouth as I watched the four gobble up their food in a hurry.

Heading towards the meeting first, with Y/n following behind me, I took my seat that was on the end of the table. "Sangyeon, are you going to tell us about you and Ji Changmin?" She asked in her quiet voice, fidgeting with her fingers as I nodded.

"I'm sure all of you were aware about The Stealer's presence at the event yesterday and have questions about them but before that I have something to confess." I started once everyone was present.

Taking a deep breathe, I continued. "Changmin and I were from the same cohort when we were in the police academy, so we actually do know each other and were rather close friends but had lost contact." I started, earning curious and shocked reactions from my teammates.

"Wait what? The leader of The Stealers was just like us? A part of the police?" Hyunjae asked, confused. "Well, almost." My response made them even more confused.

"He quit due to a personal reason he never told me about just before we graduated. Changmin was actually one of the best recruits, acing every test and tasks we had. That's why I was shocked when he was revealed to be the leader of the group we're after." I ended, only to be met by silence as they processed the new information. "Wow...he could have been part of us." Kevin chuckled slightly, breaking the silence.

"So what did he want from you?" Sunwoo asked, pointing at Y/n. "I don't really know too, all he said was they need my help?" She answered, although it sounded more like a question. "Help? Why? What? Why you?" Sunwoo continued.

"Like I said, I really don't know. Ji Changmin said they needed my help and that was when Sangyeon appeared and they escaped." Y/n said, causing everyone to fall back into confusion including myself.

"Lee Juyeon said they weren't planning to do anything and were just visiting yesterday, after that he handed me a note." She pulled out a crumpled piece of note from her pocket and showed it to us. "They probably planned this, purposely coming for Y/n." Hyunjae said slowly, reading Y/n's reaction.

Y/n's POV

Oh hell, I'm doomed. I thought as I sunk back into my chair with a sigh. "Why me?" I complained, staring at the edge of the expensive looking table. "They probably think it's easier to convince you into helping them." Hyunjae continued. "Maybe they're all good looking af and are trying to seduce Y/n into helping them." Kevin joked, earning slap on his back by Jacob.

"Kevin's not wrong about them being good looking though...I saw all of their faces."  I mumbled, just loud enough to be heard by Sunwoo and Sangyeon who were next to me. "You did?" Sunwoo asked, both Sangyeon and I nodding in response. "Kevin, time to work again." Sunwoo tapped the said boy who had been busy glaring at Jacob, grabbing his materials immediately at Sunwoo's words.

After Kevin was done with the three portraits, we were all studying them as tried to remember their faces. "So Y/n, who do you think is the best looking amongst them?" Hyunjae asked, causing everyone's attention to fall on me. "That's irrelevant." I tried to escape from the question but Hyunjae being Hyunjae, he wouldn't let me off.

"Fine, fine. Erm, Juyeon and Younghoon? But Ji Changmin..." I trailed off quietly, mind drifting off to my interactions with him which still sends shivers down my spine. There was just something about him. "Y/n has logged out, let's continue on the serious matters." Sunwoo cleared his throat, snapping me back to reality as I smiled sheepishly.

Sangyeon and Changmin's relationship exposeddd

what would happen between the two groups?

stay tuned hehe

once again, feel free to leave comments and don't forget to vote <3

~thedouble_a (11/11/20)

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