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Y/n's POV

"You heard it right, help us steal from the Jungs."

"What? Why? How?" Kevin questioned, eyes round in shock. The Stealers chuckled softly at our reactions, casting glances at each other before their leader spoke again. "Simple. Let us into the basement of the Jungs' mansion, we steal and you guys let us leave. Mission complete." Changmin finished, as if it was something simple.

"Why should we do that?" Sunwoo asked, eyes fixed coldly on the man who just spoke. "Because Chief Han said so." Changmin answered. Chief Han...?

His response had once again sent us into a wave of confusion. "Why would boss say that?" Jacob mumbled but it was loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room.

"Because Chief Han is our boss too."

The six of us went silent, too shocked and confused to speak. "Our boss is your boss too? What the hell is going on?" Hyunjae grumbled with his hands flailing around exaggeratedly, earning laughters from the other group of six. "Yeah, that's right." Juyeon confirmed as all six of them pulled out something that further added onto our current states of confusion.

"We're part of the police too!" Eric exclaimed excitedly, flashing a huge grin along with his police ID badge. We scanned the five other badges that were now laid on the table in front of us, and indeed it was all official. "How...?" Sangyeon finally opened his mouth, finger circling around their ID badges.

"I didn't quit police academy, my friend. Chief Han had recruited me to be part of a team that infiltrates into the houses of the rich but dirty, and we had to keep our identifies a secret." Changmin started.

"So you guys go around to steal legally?" Hyunjae's brows were now closely knitted together. "We didn't actually steal to be honest. Yes we did break into their houses but it was to gather evidence; take photos of their valuables and all, and then send them to the media to be published. The media is on our side if you're wondering, they report that we stole from those people so that they'd panic and report to the police about the matter." He continued his explanation.

"So what exactly is your point?" Sunwoo pressed on. "Those people get their riches in illegal ways so they wouldn't actually check if they lost any money. They go straight to the police assuming their assets were really lost so as to gain the help and trust of the police, and then from there we expose the truth to make them turn their dirty secrets into the police on their own." Changmin answered monotonously, now having a stare off with Sunwoo.

It took awhile for us to take in the new chunk of information as we sat there quietly, trying to process what Changmin had said. "So, you guys make them turn themselves in? How're you guys so sure that they would go to the police?" Jacob asked.

"People have the misconception that these people wouldn't go to the police because their money came illegally but wrong, that's exactly why they go to the police. They think that going to the police makes them seem innocent and convincing, even getting the police's help of protecting their assets." Younghoon spoke instead, sensing the tension between his leader and my partner.

"That's actually quite smart." Kevin commented, nodding his head in approval as he finished processing the situation. "Thank you, it was Changmin's idea." Younghoon smiled proudly, cheeks lifting and his eyes turned into crescents.

"I'm calling Chief Han." Sangyeon mumbled, whipping out his phone. "Chief Han, I'm sorry to disturb you at such a time but I have something urgent I need to confirm. The Stealers...they're sent by you?" Sangyeon's soft but firm voice spoke, nervously waiting for our superior's response.

"Ah yes, I see you guys have finally met and I assume Changmin had told you everything. Their team was indeed sent by me to get those individuals to turn themselves in peacefully without too much trouble." Chief Han confirmed.

"That's why I sent your team, Sangyeon-ah. You guys are the best in our department and it was a test for both of your teams, which is why I didn't tell you who 'The Stealers' really were." With that, Chief Han ended the call with a short 'good luck'.

"Do you finally believe me now, Lee Sangyeon?" Changmin finally broke off the eye contact with Sunwoo to look at his old friend. "Do I have a choice not to?" Sangyeon rebutted in a joking tone. "Glad to have you back again, my friend." Sangyeon said, reaching out his hand towards Changmin who gladly grabbed it into a handshake.

"Me too, me too! Let's get along well from now on!" The chirpy Eric who had been watching the leaders intently reached out his hand too, making all of us laugh as Hyunjae grabbed his hand in return. One by one we exchanged handshakes, until it reached Sunwoo and Changmin.

Changmin had his hand extended towards Sunwoo, a smirk plastered on his face while the latter kept his hands by his sides with a blank expression on his face as he simply stared at the leader. "Sunwoo." Sangyeon warned lightly, earning a soft groan from the stubborn boy who had finally returned the handshake even though it was obviously unwilling.

"Looking forward to working with you, Kim Sunwoo." And there we go, another stare off.

hope this chapter is not too confusing hehe

basically, The Stealers break in to make it look like they stole from the rich but they didn't actually take anything from them, it's just to create a scene so that they would report to the police and then from there the police would explain The Stealers' actions and make them confess their wrong doings themselves.

so they break in and mess things up, get the media report about it, make them panic and go to the police, make them confess n tadah.

anyways, congrats to tbz for winning AAA's best choice award <3

~thedouble_a (29/11/20)

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