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Changmin's POV

Ouch, my whole body aches. I yawned softly as I tried to stretch when I woke up, and that was when I felt a presence next to me. Y/n? My hand reached out towards her head, gently smoothing her soft hair.

"You're up?" She jolted up upon my touch with a frown on her face. "Yes, why are you frowning? Upset now that I'm awake?" I asked playfully, watching her brows knit closer along with a pout surfacing. "Of course not! Do you know how worried I've been? You were unconscious for a whole day and I-stop smiling like that!" She spat in a hurry, flustered when she saw the huge smile on my face which earned me a slap on my shoulder which probably had a huge bruise.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" She began to blabber again when I groaned in pain, her small hands wrapping themselves around my arms. With a small smile returning to my face, I pulled her into my arms as I rested my chin on her shoulder. "Now I'm fine." I whispered as I felt her relax into my hold.

"Can you tell me what happened? How did you end up injured?" She asked softly, nodding attentively when I told her what had happened. "You were shot twice? One on your leg and?" It was cute seeing her expression shift into a confused one. "My shoulder, but it got prevented by the bulletproof vest I wore." I explained and her face changed into one of realisation this time.

"Was that why you went back to your room before you left?" Her eyes widened, pulling back slightly from me as I nodded. "Smart." She giggled, giving me a boop on my nose. Unable to resist her cuteness, I gave her a surprise peck on her lips and as expected, her cheeks grew red as she hid her face in my chest.

After staying in that position for a while, she suddenly pulled away again. "What now?" I whined, already missing the warmth from her. "Don't act cute now. You said you will be careful and that you will stay safe, now here you are stuck in bed and in pain." She nagged again, hitting me carefully to avoid giving me pain.

She's really very worried about me. I thought to myself as I chuckled, pulling her against me again. "I'm sorryyyyy." I tried to aegyo my way out, rubbing my face into the crook of her neck and fortunately, it worked as I heard a giggle escape from her lips.

"You really are lucky that you're cute." She sighed, giving up on trying to be strict as she moved closer to me. We sat in each other's embrace in a comfortable silence until I broke it. "Why were you so worried about me?" I questioned softly.

Y/n kept quiet for a moment, before another sigh escaped her and it made me a little worried at the unexpected reaction. "I have to tell you something." Okay, now I'm really worried. "Sunwoo kinda confessed to me and he kissed me too." My grip around her tightened unconsciously, feel my heart beat speed up. Please, please don't say you liked it.

"I pushed him away." Thank god. "Why?" I had let out a breathe of relief. "Because I didn't feel the same..." She trailed off. I kept quiet, waiting for her to continue and her words caused my heart to skip a beat.

"Because I didn't feel the same as I did when I was with you."

"And how did you feel when you're with me?" I braced myself to ask, ignoring my pounding heart as I stared straight into her eyes and her answer made every cell in me tingle in happiness.

"Happy, safe, flustered, loved." She answered sincerely although her cheeks got even redder, her eyes never left mine. "Does that mean you..." I was at a loss of words, still trying to process what was going on. "It means I like you dummy-oops." Y/n covered her mouth, seemingly shocked at her own directness. Adorable.

"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for liking me back." I confessed, finally feeling a burden being lifted off me. Watching the corners of her lips being lifted into a grin, I felt myself mirroring her actions as I closed the gap between us once again.

Feeling her return my kiss sent a wave of bliss across my entire body. Thank you, Y/n.

the end.

don't worry I was just kidding, it's not the end yet.

do you guys like the changmin + y/n combi hehe

don't forget to vote & comment! stay safe :)

~thedouble_a (16/5/21)

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