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Y/n's POV

"More like laughing at me behind my back." I grumbled to myself with a pout even though it can't be seen behind the mask. "So what if I was?" Changmin retorted as he pulled both our masks down to our chins while leaning in closer to me, his arms trapping me between the wall and his taller frame.

omg near, too near, he's too near. I thought to myself as I began panicking slightly at how he kept closing the already small gap between us. Although I was lowkey freaking out inside, I watched him, staring back into his enchanting brown orbs.

Pretty sure it was mere seconds but they felt like minutes or even hours to me when his breath tickled my lips. Soon, I felt his lips coming into contact with mine and my eyes closed instinctively as I felt a shiver down my spine. Oh god...

"Yah, why are you guys so quiet? What's going on?" A deep voice boomed through the small device, causing both of us to jolt away from each other and me who was against the wall, knocked my head hard against it. "Owww..." I groaned, my hand immediately flying up to the now sore spot. "What? What happened? Y/n why are you in pain?" The same voice, aka Kim Sunwoo, spoke again in a now worried voice.

Still trying to process what just happened along with the pain, I couldn't answer. "That idiot just bumped her head into the wall thanks to you." Changmin answered on my behalf with a playful roll of his eyes as I glared at him with a click of my tongue, making him even more amused.

Suddenly, we heard muffled boyish screams in the background, hearing something like 'AWWW LOOK AT HIM CALLING HER AN IDIOT' and 'OOOO IDIOT, HOW CUTE AGHJSKJAH'. Aish Lee Hyunjae and Sohn Youngjae. I made a mental note to myself to get back at them somehow while I felt my cheeks and ears burn even more than before while Changmin simply ignored them.

"We're inside the room, now shut up and let us investigate in peace." Changmin fired back and headed further into the dark room, leaving me there to listen to the continued squeals of the two boys. "Awww, is our boss getting protective now?" "Progress, progress! They're making progress!" "Hey, hey! Look at Kim-" Eric got cut off as a big hand wrapped around my wrist, pulling me behind him. "Ignore them and get to work." was all he said before going back to flipping through stuffs in the room. Why is he being so cold again? I sulked as I stared at his serious figure. Even from behind he looks good...Y/n what the hell??

"Yah, yah! Y/n? Stop sulking and look for clues." He snapped me out of my thoughts, not even sparing me a glance. Unconsciously letting out a sigh, I trudged towards the other side of the room and picked at random files. Stupid squirrel-looking leader, being all cute and then aloof. Ji Changmin, is it fun to tease me and then act all cool again while disregarding me?   What am I? Huh? Omo what is he doing now?!

"Now can you focus?" Changmin whispered with an evident smirk, eyes gazing down at my wide ones before breaking eye contact and turning back to the files.

As if he did not just kiss me.

How does he expect me to focus after that?

Changmin's POV

No, I wasn't being cold. I was shy...and embarrassed. Lee Hyunjae and Sohn Youngjae, you guys are dead to me now. I distracted myself by flipping through some documents that did not seem useful to us, turning around when I heard rather loud slamming of documents against the expensive stone-top tables coming from the other side of the room. Y/n was seen pulling files out of boxes and slapping them onto the table while seemingly mumbling inaudibly to herself.

Creeping closer towards the girl, I managed to catch a little of what she was grumbling about. "Stupid squirrel-looking leader, being all cute and then aloof..."  So she thinks I'm cute? Feeling amused at her yet again, an idea creeped into my mind.

I reached out to grab her shoulders, turning her to face me and finally attaching my lips with hers. I think I'm going crazy but I like this. "Now can you focus?" I tried to hold back my smile, replacing it with a smirk instead, quickly turning back to hide my tinted cheeks even though it was dark. Yet, I couldn't help but glance at her just to see her standing still with a hand on her lips. How is she so adorable?

yo yo another cute? cringey? chap is up

don't forget to vote or comment too! I wanna know if you guys like d book 🥺

~thedouble_a (26/3/21)

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