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Y/n's POV

Today was the day of our first mission with The Stealers and not gonna lie, I was very nervous. It was only 10 in the morning but the three of us were already in their meeting room with Eric. "Good morning." Juyeon greeted as he and Changmin strolled in.

"Let's start. Their office opens at 9, Juyeon and Y/n can visit at around 12 which is lunch time and there will probably be lesser people there then so it would be easier to go around the office. Take note of the emergency exits, stairs and the general layout of the office. Also, we will be watching you guys through the cctv and we can communicate with you guys using the earpiece. The two of you should be out of there before 2 and back here by 3 so we have time to plan for the later part of the day." Changmin listed down, eyes lazily shifting between Juyeon and I as we nodded in acknowledgement.

Juyeon was handed a pair of smart glasses with a built-in camera and sensor which would be able to locate any secret doors or spaces while I was given a necklace with a built-in camera and video and voice recording functions on top of the earpiece.

After a short lecture by Eric on how to operate it, I tried to put it on myself which failed as I couldn't hook it together despite the numerous tries. Just as my arms were getting tired, I heard a sigh from my right before a pair of hands took over mine, helping me put on the necklace.

"You're always in need of help, huh?" His soft voice made me freeze as I realised how close he was to me, getting goosebumps as I felt his breathe fanning my neck. "Done." He mumbled, adjusting the accessory slightly. "Thank you." I muttered, still trying to process what just happened. "You're welcome." He responded as his hand brushed through my hair, giving me a pat on my head before returning to his seat at the end of the table which was next to mine.

"Omo, look at Y/n blushing because of Changmin." Eric whispered to Hyunjae as the pair next to me started screaming quietly, but was still heard by me as I felt my face heat up even more if that was possible while trying to avoid their stares. "Alright, if there are no more questions, Juyeon and Y/n can head out." Changmin said, leaning back into his seat while Juyeon and I got ready to leave.

"Here we are. You ready, girlfriend?" Juyeon nudged me lightly as we stood in front of the building. Entering, we were greeted by the receptionist. "Good afternoon, I am here to look for Mr Jung Wooyoung." I told her, flashing my police ID and letting her know that I have an appointment with him. After a short call, she led us towards the elevator along with the directions to his office.

A muffled "Come in" was heard from behind the door after a few knocks. "Hey Y/n...and friend?" He looked at Juyeon curiously. "Oh hi, I'm Juyeon. Y/n's boyfriend." The tall man beamed at the nodding Wooyoung as I tried not to choke on my saliva. Man, he really wasn't kidding about being my boyfriend.

I was laughing internally until I heard a quiet yet familiar groan through the earpiece, causing Juyeon's smile to grow into a light chuckle as he slung his arm around my shoulder. "So what's with the visit? You didn't tell me exactly why you wanted to come to the office during your phone call this morning. Especially not with your boyfriend." Wooyoung asked, a teasing smile on his face.

"Just wanted to come take a look, make sure everything's good here. You know, police stuff, just in case." I laughed sheepishly but thankfully, Wooyoung wasn't suspicious and even offered to give us a tour.

The office was indeed rather empty as Changmin had predicted as Wooyoung brought us around the office. We started with the top floor where his office was located at along with the offices of other higher ups.

"What's this door for?" Juyeon suddenly asked as we went past his office again, noticing a rather seamlessly hidden door between his office and his father's. "Oh that, it's nothing much so let's move on." Wooyoung quickly dismissed Juyeon's question as he gently pushed us towards the elevator. "Looks like this door has secrets." We heard Eric's excited voice, Juyeon and I exchanging glances as we followed behind Wooyoung.

enjoy <3

~thedouble_a (11/1/21)

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