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Y/n's POV

"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for liking me back." Changmin's subtle confession made the corners of my lips lift up into a grin, him mirroring my actions as he closed the gap between us once again. He rested his forehead against mine when we pulled away, a small smile plastered on his face.

"Are you really okay?" I asked, still worried about him. "Hmm, just a little sore here and there and as long as I don't put pressure on my leg." He told me honestly, shifting to hide his face in the crook of my neck again. "Rest more then. I'll go get you some food." I gave him a quick smile, getting up from his bed.

"No! Just stay with me, please?" He pouted as he pulled me by my wrist, causing me to fall onto him. "Owww..." He groaned softly when I landed on him. "What did I say about being careful?" I scolded him, purposely hitting him on his injured shoulder which earned another whine from him.

"Fine, letting you off this time." I laughed as he immediately beamed, hugging me tightly against him as we shifted into a comfortable position. "Changmin?" He hummed as a response as he played with my hair. "When did you, you know, begin to like me?" I asked carefully, getting nervous as he stayed quiet.

"No answer? I'm gonna go find Sunwoo then." With a teasing tone, I pretended to push myself off the bed, only for him to tighten his arms around me. "No, no, no. I just needed time to think, don't leave me." Changmin frantically defended himself, earning a chuckle from me.

"I don't know when exactly but you were always so small and in trouble, and I just felt the need to protect you. Also, you are fun to tease with all those cute reactions of yours." I watched as his heated cheeks lift up, flashing his cute dimple. Unable to resist it, my finger poked at his dimple, smiling along with him.

"I'm not that weak and easy, okay. Either way, I'm still part of the police. It shows I'm smart and capable enough." I puffed my cheeks as I let out a sigh. "Yes, yes. Whatever you say. Now can we get some rest? I'm still tired." Changmin let out a loud yawn while I snuggled into his warm chest, both of us dozing off slowly.

"Oh shit! Hyunjae! Come look at this!" "OMO-omo omo omo! They're so cute!" I stirred, hearing muffled screaming coming from two figures huddled together in Changmin's room; Hyunjae and Eric. "What are you guys doing?" I whispered so as to not wake Changmin up while staring at the two males in confusion.

"Erm, hi? We uh-nothing! Bye!" Eric blabbered, shocked as he didn't notice that I was awake, scrambling out of the room while pulling Hyunjae with him. Still confused, I simply stared at the closed door which opened again shortly after as Hyunjae stuck his head in.

"Just wanted to tell you guys it's time for dinner, hehe. We'll bring it up for you guys instead since Changmin has to stay in bed. Okay bye." Hyunjae quickly shut the door when he was done talking, with a huge grin that seemed a little suspicious.

That was when I heard a loud "ERIC SEND ME THE PIC YOU TOOK OF THEM" coming from my teammate, eliciting a quiet sigh from me. "Who was that?" Changmin's slightly hoarse voice spoke, catching my attention. "Hyunjae and Eric. They'll bring dinner up for us." I informed him, my fingers tracing random shapes on his lean waist.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, looking up at him whose eyes were already fixed on me. "Of course I did, thanks to you." He gave me a playful wink, making me laugh at his cheesiness. Remaining in the same position, we engaged in small chats until a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in." Changmin responded as I helped him to sit up. It was Chanhee and Juyeon this time, carrying trays with plates full of food with them. "Dinner's here!" Juyeon announced happily, setting the food in front of Changmin and I.

"I see you've made your choice." Chanhee flashed a teasing smile at me once we were alone in the room when Juyeon had helped Changmin to the washroom. His words caused blood to rush to my face as I nodded at him.

"What are you going to do about Kim Sunwoo then?"

heyhey like I said, its not the end yet.

stay safe! and stay w me! rmb to vote and comment <3

~thedouble_a (18/5/21)

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