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Sunwoo's POV

I stood under the water, the coldness waking me up the moment it hits my skin as I washed the shampoo out of my hair when the peace was broken by my annoying partner who was banging on the bathroom door. "Yah, Kim Sunwoo! Are you showering or swimming? Did you drown and die or-" She yelled, voice slightly muffled by the door.

I groaned softly but hurried to finish up nonetheless, slinging my wet towel over my shoulder as I opened the door which shocked the now quiet girl with wide eyes.  "I'm out now, are you happy?" I flashed a sarcastic smile at her but received no response, just her wide eyes staring at me blankly. "Y/n? Young Y/n!"I waved my hands at her, trying to get her attention.

With a "H-huh?" and "C-can't you put on a damn shirt?!", she began averting her eyes away from me. Is that why she's acting this way? I thought me myself, deciding to tease her a little.

"Are you gonna go bathe or are you going to continue admiring me?" I exposed her, watching her cheeks grow redder with every step I took towards her. "Looks like you're choosing the second option." I said as I saw how she didn't answer me, only back-stepping towards the wall. "N-no, I choose to b-bathe." She finally let out when her back came into contact with the wall.

Seeing how she tried to slip away from me, I slammed my hands next to her head. "W-what are y-you doing? You're t-too n-near." She stuttered, my actions obviously flustering her further. Let's see...

"Then why are you not pushing me away?" Leaning closer towards her, I whispered with my face right next to hers. I smiled to myself internally as her eyes were fixed on me again, only noticing how close we were when the wetness from my hair fell onto her face. The small gap between us had slightly thrown me off guard but I kept my cool, not wanting to show my slight panic although my heart had started to race.

We stayed in that position for what felt like several minutes, not breaking eye contact until a water droplet fell onto her eye. Blinking profusely, she brought her hand up and started to rub her eye. "Cute but stop rubbing." I blabbered, my own words shocking me a little but I covered it up by pulling her hand away. Did I just call her cute? In her face?

Without me knowing, a small smile surfaced onto my face as I cupped her face in my hands, wiping the water off her cheeks with my thumbs. "Now, go and bathe. You smell like the restaurant." I joked, walking off into the room without looking back at her to hide my now pink cheeks.

I plopped down onto my bed, drying my still wet hair with the towel as the scenes from before replayed in my mind as I chuckled to myself, remembering how flustered she was. Wait up, what's going on with me? I just enjoy teasing and poking fun at Y/n...right? Then why is my heart beating so quickly? Snap out of it, Kim Sunwoo. I scolded myself, ruffling my hair with the towel roughly before leaning against the headboard of my bed to use my phone.

Minutes passed and Y/n walked out with a towel hung around her neck with a slight glare directed towards me just as I sent a message to Hyunjae to ask him to shut up and stop screaming since he invaded Jacob and Kevin's room that was just down the hall.

"Why are you glaring at me, Miss Young?" I tilted my head at her although I knew exactly why she was acting that way. "N-no, I'm not glaring at you." She stubbornly retorted as she mimicked my actions from before, plopping down onto her bed. "Sure, you're not." I muttered, standing up from my bed and walked towards her. "Yah yah, stay where you are." She warned softly but not showing any kinds of defence.

I stood close to her sitting figure, bending down to her eye level. This is fun. I thought as I lowered my face nearer to hers, causing her to close her eyes in response which unknowingly made my eyes flicker towards her lips. Kim Sunwoo, no. We went through this topic just now, no. "Dumbass, what are you expecting? A kiss? Give me the towel." I cleared my throat, snickering at her embarrassed and confused expression as she handed me her towel slowly.

Taking it from her hands and straightening my back, I gently ruffled her damp hair with the towel. "Jerk." She muttered under her breathe but I managed to catch it. "I just wanted to help you dry your hair, now I'm a jerk?" Raising an eyebrow at her, I stopped what I was doing. "I'm being nice to you, you know?" I continued, poking her forehead.

"You? Nice? Tch, I don't think so." Y/n grumbled, pouting slightly. "Then do you want me to strangle you to death with the towel or something?" I threatened jokingly, hanging the towel around her neck as she glared at me. "Or do you want to accept my kindness?" I asked, pulling her closer to me using the towel with a grin. "I-URGH!" Y/n groaned, her hands squishing my cheeks as she shook my face from side to side.

"Did you eat something wrong? Did The Stealers spike your food just now?" She frowned at me although the lifted corners of her lips betrayed her. "Maybe?" I shrugged before copying her, my hands pressing against her cheeks, both of us breaking out a laugh at our squashed faces.

"You know, you're not as mean and hard to get along with as I originally thought you were." She smiled softly at me when we had let go of each other's faces. "No shit, I'm a nice person." I scoffed, faking annoyance which earned a laugh from the girl.

"Fine, fine but if Kim Sunwoo is a nice person then I'm an angel." Y/n boasted in between laughs. "Whatever. Good night, angel." I yawned, sighing when my head finally laid onto the soft pillow and eventually falling asleep.

a long chapter and (hopefully) fun chapter hehe

introducing a turn in sunwoo's character towards Y/n! hope you guys enjoyed it :)

till next time/chapter!

~thedouble_a (4/12/20)

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