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Y/n's POV

It has already been a week since we first came to the Jung's estate and everything has been normal, still no sign of The Stealers. As the quiet days goes past, my team and I grow more impatient and anxious, unsure of when they will strike again. I sighed at my thoughts, slumping in my bed.

"Stop sighing. It's annoying, just like you." Sunwoo cut my train of thoughts off, as he stepped out of the bathroom that was connected to out room. "You-never mind." I was about to talk back to him, stopping when I realised he only had a towel tied to his waist.

"What now? You shy or something?" He teased, drying his hair with another towel as I glared at him, trying my best not to look at any part of him that is not his face. If you weren't such a jerk, I would actually swoon over you. My face heat up slightly at the thought, mentally slapping myself for even thinking that way as I ignored him.

It was our turn to guard the basement that night, the others tasked to patrol. We were pacing back and forth as minutes turned into hours. "Yah, I'm going to the washroom." Sunwoo announced into the communication device we all had, leaving without even looking at me. Pfft, rude.

I was left alone as Sunwoo's figure disappears up the stairs, and seconds later the lights started flickering. My brows knitted together in confusion with a hint of fear, as I updated the rest about the situation. "Don't be a coward, Y/n." Sunwoo's voice was heard through the ear piece, followed by the sound of him closing the door.

"Everyone stay calm, don't let your guards down." Sangyeon ordered, sighing a little at Sunwoo's attitude. The flickering of lights continued several times, causing me to panic more every time until the lights finally went dead. "Guys! The lights are out and I hear sounds, I-HMPH." I was cut off as a gloved hand found its way to my mouth, shutting me up.

"Shhhh, be quiet and no one gets hurt." A deep and unfamiliar voice whispered into my ear, making me freeze in the stranger's arms. It took me awhile to process what was going on as I stayed unmoving, barely hearing the footsteps as I felt people passing by us. "Good girl." The stranger purred, sending shivers down my back as I felt his grip on me loosen slightly.

Taking this chance, I reached for my taser as quietly as I could, not wanting to get caught but unfortunately for me, I did. "Nuh-uh, I just complimented you and now you're betraying my trust?" I could hear his smirk as he growled, gripping my wrist tightly while his other arm firm around my neck, making it hard for me to breathe.

"Who are you?" My voice came out strangled, inevitable as he held me close to him. "Who else?" His voice continued to bring chills as my heartbeat grew faster.

"Let her go." Kim Sunwoo, finally. I breathed out in relief, thankful to hear his voice for once. "And let her tase me with that? I don't think so." The stranger laughed, turning his head slightly towards my partner. "I said let her go." Sunwoo's voice was unwavering and I could hear him move towards us. "Get any closer and she's dead." The man said as if it was nothing, making Sunwoo stop in his track.

I could feel myself shaking slightly in his grip, making the man laugh again. "Aww, you're scared? How cute." His deep voice echoed in the basement, no longer keeping his volume in check. It was still dark, except the faint light from Sunwoo's flashlight and none of us were moving.

Just then, gun shots were heard from above along with shoutings coming from my team mates above. I flinched slightly at the loud sound, the man behind me tensing as well. I heard some faint chatters coming from the man, he must be using a communication device too.

"Ah, shit. Let's go." I heard the man groan into his device when the lights flickered back on, allowing Sunwoo to catch a glimpse of the man for a brief second as the lights soon went off again. "We'll meet again." He said, pushing me towards Sunwoo who managed to catch me before we both fell to the floor as the stranger disappeared into the darkness as sneakily as he entered.

Within a minute of their departure from the scene, the lights came back on and the scene was clean as if nothing had happened. I was still panting from the interaction I had, Sunwoo's grip still tight on my arms. "Oi, they're gone. Chill." Sunwoo grunted, shaking me gently.

"Guys, gather." Sangyeon's voice was heard, pulling me back into reality as we made our way to the meeting room. "Y/n, you alright?" Hyunjae asked as Sunwoo and I stepped into the room, his hand still wrapped around my arm. "This dumbass was practically held hostage by one of them just now." Sunwoo muttered, glaring at me as he finally let go of me and took his seat.

"What? What happened down there?" Kevin asked, putting his arm around my still shaken frame as Sunwoo and I explained in detail. "The man who held this one wasn't very tall, slightly shorter than me probably. Lean but definitely strong built with sharp eyes and a long neck. That was all I managed to take note about him when the light came on." Sunwoo described.

"Since he said that, I'm sure we will see them again soon. They didn't take anything with them this time though, it was probably just a warning to us and if they were confident enough to come try us out without weapons, they must be good." Sangyeon informed, frowning. "It might have back fired a little though." Hyunjae butted in with a small smile before continuing.

"I might have shot one of them."

and the drama starts :)

~thedouble_a (13/10/20)

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