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Y/n's POV

Changmin and I stood in front of the Jungs' office building, blankly staring at the tall concrete block. Well, at least I was doing that. I heard a soft chuckle from next to me, making me look up at the taller male who was trying not to laugh next to me. "What?" I whisper-shouted at him, pouting slightly under my black mask, receiving a shrug and more stifled chuckles as a response. "Tsk, I'm nervous okay. It's my first time doing...such things." I mumbled while giving him a slap on his arm, causing him to finally let out a laugh before leaning down close to my ear.

"Don't worry, you have me." He whispered as he slung his arm around my shoulders, not forgetting to cover the small microphone to prevent the others from hearing us. His words instantly made me turn red and my eyes looked at everything and everywhere but him. Probably knowing his effects on me, his arm left my shoulders but his hand slipped into mine, pulling me with him and into the building. I thought it was impossible but I could feel my cheeks and ears burning even more than before. Aish Ji Changmin... was all I could think of while trying to calm my pounding heart.

"We're in." Changmin whispered softly to the others once we made it in, my hand still in his. "You guys can head up straight using the elevator. I made sure no one's in the building before disabling it." Eric said through the in-ear. "No funny acts in the lift y'all even though we can't see you guys." Eric continued with a laugh shared with Hyunjae, failing to hold their laughter in. "Do you think I care? Also, I don't take orders from you." Changmin answered, an evident smirk on his face as he kept his eyes on me. Oh and he was still holding my hand. Here we go again, burn cheeks burn.

I felt my heartbeat increase with every level, out of nervousness and a lil' bit of excitement. "Hey, relax. You being nervous is making me nervous too." Changmin said with a straight face but I felt his thumb rubbing my hand gently in an attempt to calm me down, and it was working.

I let out a huff and nodded my head at him just as the elevator let out a 'ding', indicating that we've reached the floor Wooyoung and his dad's offices were at. "Come on." Changmin's eyes were pushed into crescent moons, a sign that he was smiling, and it made me smile along unknowingly as I was pulled gently by him. 

"This is it." I pointed at the almost invisible door. "Wow, it's really done well." Changmin commented as his finger traced the faint outline of the door, a faint 'I know right?' from Juyeon was heard after that. Ignoring him, Changmin got to work as I stood behind him to keep a lookout just in case. After a few minutes of keeping a lookout, I got distracted by the sounds of buttons being pressed and I turned around to watch my partner for today.

It was dark, the only source of light being the moonlight shining in from the full-length windows of the building and it only emphasised Changmin's sharp eyes that were focused on unlocking the door. I couldn't help but stare at him and my mind wondered away, only to be caught staring at him by him.

"Done." He muttered and brought his attention to me, our eyes meeting immediately. "O-oh, we go then in... I meant in we go then." I stuttered before letting out an embarrassed laugh after realising how stupid I sounded, earning a weird look from Changmin who slowly nodded.

Changmin's POV

Letting out a sigh of relief, I turned to let Y/n know that the door was unlocked only to find her already looking at me and it honestly made me a little flustered. Has she been staring at me all this while? "O-oh, we go then in... I meant in we go then." She blurted out, eyes widening slightly from being caught. I looked at her and tried not to laugh, opting to just nod at her instead while she darted up the short flight of stairs that was revealed when the door opened. Cute. I thought to myself, shaking my head at her clumsiness as she almost tripped on one of the steps.

"Are you coming or not?" She whined as quietly as she could. "Yes, yes. I'm right behind you." I answered, jogging up towards her. "More like laughing at me behind my back." She muttered softly to herself, pretty sure while pouting, but I heard her clearly. "So what if I was?" Deciding to tease her a little, I pulled both our masks down to our chins and leaned in close to her with my arms trapping her between the wall and I.

I watched her brown eyes widen in surprise as they stared back at mine, and I felt my own heartbeat quickening. As if in a trance, I closed the gap between us bit by bit and to my surprise, she did not stop me. Instead, her eyes fluttered close the moment our lips brushed.

"Yah, why are you guys so quiet? What's going on?"

heyyyy wassup im back ...i guess HAHA

sorry for taking so long!! I have a bit more time to myself now so I'll try to update often :)

~thedouble_a (15/3/21)

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