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Y/n's POV

We sat in silence as Changmin waited for everyone to settle down with a cold stare. "Alright, everyone's here. You may start." Younghoon announced, breaking the silence as Changmin simply responded with a soft hum before starting the discussion for our plan to break into the Jungs' office.

"Okay then. Sunwoo will follow Eric and I to observe the situation behind the scenes, Juyeon get into the office during working hours and scout around, and then sneak in during the night with Hyunjae and Y/n." Changmin concluded, straightening up as he prepared to stand and leave until he got cut off by Juyeon.

"Changmin, can Y/n come with me during the day? It would be easier to get in since they already know her and I would look less suspicious as her friend or maybe even boyfriend." Juyeon spoke with a smirk evident, eyes fixed on his leader.

"No." Changmin answered straightaway, tone firm and eyes boring into Juyeon's teasing ones. "Why not?" Juyeon challenged his friend while the rest looked on with curious eyes, and Sunwoo being Sunwoo glared at whoever was talking. "Just cause, you don't make the decisions around here." Changmin continued.

"Juyeon may be right though, maybe you should let them go together." Eric spoke as he and Juyeon tried to contain their laughter in front of the annoyed leader who was now glaring at Chanhee who had let out a snort from the corner.

"Y/n. You choose." Changmin sighed, his somewhat softer gaze landed on me. "I erm..." I trailed off, feeling small from the attention of everyone. "I'll go with Juyeon, Eric makes sense." I finally said, ignoring the glare of my roommate and the burning stare of their leader. "Fine then, go ahead." Changmin agreed before exiting the room with another slam of the door.

Chanhee, Eric and Juyeon took the slam as a cue to burst into laughter, slapping each other on their backs. "What's with you guys?" Younghoon broke into a huge smile at the silly scene. "Isn't it obvious there's something going on with Changmin?" Chanhee snorted again, causing Younghoon and Haknyeon to join the laughter parade while I sat there looking at them.

"Changmin has never asked for anyone's opinions regarding missions before. If he says no, it will always be a no. You're the first one he has ever asked." Chanhee said with a playful grin on his face, a grin that grew wider when the door was slammed close by none other than Kim Sunwoo.

"So, Miss Y/n. How do you feel? Who do you prefer?" Eric asked pretending to be a reporter, using his fist as a microphone. "I don't know?" I answered although it sounded more like a question instead, sending them into another fit of laughter.

"Well, good luck with them then. We're here to help, remember that BABY." Juyeon said in between laughter, making me glare at him jokingly.

What did I get myself into...

Changmin's POV

I couldn't help but glare at Juyeon, even though I knew what he was up to. Every time he got near her or each time he mentions her, he has that stupid smirk on his face as he tries to get a reaction out of me. Why do I find his actions annoying? Why am I even acting like this?

"Because you like her?" Chanhee's voice made me snap my head towards him, slightly confused and surprised. "Huh?" I blurted out in dumbly. "You were thinking out loud idiot." Chanhee scoffed, taking a seat next to me on my bed. "You like her don't you?" Chanhee continued, turning his body towards me. "I don't know?" I said blankly, trying to process everything.

"That's exactly what she said too." Chanhee muttered but I caught it. "What did you ask her?" I asked, unknowingly perking up. "Not telling, but good luck." He shrugged nonchalantly and left my room as quickly as he entered, leaving me to my thoughts yet again.

Good luck? What does that mean? I have a chance? Or is it because my chances are lower? I ruffled my hair as thoughts filled my mind. Aish, Young Y/n...


in case you're confused:

chanhee, haknyeon and younghoon arent included in the plan as they will be working with Sangyeon's team instead, taking over Y/n, Sunwoo and Hyunjae's spots but they were present in the meeting with them since it was held at their apartment and they were there at that time.

tbh I have no idea how this book will end but I'll figure it out soon HAHA

meanwhile enjoyyy

~thedouble_a (7/1/21)

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