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Y/n's POV

"We're back!" I announced once we stepped into the warehouse with a Changmin who seemed to be in a pretty good mood. "Are you okay?" Sunwoo asked with his hands on both my shoulders, looking rather worried. "Yeah, we're good. Thanks for asking." Changmin answered, looking at the boy in front of me with his usual cold eyes.

Oh, the cold leader is back. "I didn't ask you. Y/n, you okay?" Sunwoo snapped without tearing his eyes from me. "Yeah, I'm good? Why wouldn't I be okay?" I answered with a slight laugh, trying to ease the building tension between the two again.

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be okay when she was with Changmin? He's literally the best out of us." Juyeon grinned cheekily at his leader, his grin growing bigger when Sunwoo casted a glare towards him. "Okay, enough. It's time for a meeting." Changmin called, walking towards the meeting room while trying to hide a proud smile.

I entered the meeting room, immediately meeting Changmin's eyes who then signalled me to take the seat next to him. One by one, everyone else trailed in before the door got slammed close by Kim Sunwoo as a cue that everyone was here. "Let's start then. As expected, the room was filled with financial records, transaction receipts and so on so there's definitely a lot of evidence there but the file on the table could be the most crucial piece." Changmin started, chinning towards the file which now had everyone's attention, including Sunwoo.

"We were about to leave the place when Wooyoung suddenly came back in. He seemed to have added something into the file before leaving again. We haven't been able to check what it was so we took the whole file with us just in case someone came back in." I continued as Changmin reached towards the file, flipping to check what the addition to the file was.

All of us kept quiet, trying to read his expression as he studied whatever was on the file. "So...?" Eric asked, tapping his fingers against the table impatiently. "Bingo." Came Changmin's answer as he pushed the file towards the center.

"Move! I wanna see too!" "No, you move! Your head is huge, you're blocking everyone." "STOP SHOUTING INTO MY EAR!" The commotion was followed by screams of protests and quarrelling; chaotic even when it's something simple. Quickly scanning the document while we were all huddled together was tough and the leader noticed it, pulling the file back towards himself as he ordered everyone to sit down again.

"God, when will I ever get peace in this house?" Changmin mumbled quietly to himself before sliding the file to me first. "Ahhh, why does Y/n get to see it first? You're so biased." Eric whined with a pout. "Cause she was the quietest amongst you clowns." Changmin shot back with a frown as I stuck my tongue out at Eric who gasped dramatically, "So now you two are ganging up against us? Against me?! What a sweet pair."

Trying to ignore what Eric had just said along with the teasing of the usual few, I quickly dove into reading the document with heated-up cheeks.

"The Jung Financial Institution will be entitled to 70% of shares to the HBV Corporation as a repayment to the loan taken addition, Mr Jung will be given the position of 'Director of Finance' with effect from..."

"The terms and conditions above are as mentioned in the meeting that has been recorded and kept by both companies."

"If the contract is breached, the Jung Financial Institution has every right to withdraw from HBV Corporation and stop funding the organisation."

I passed the file to Juyeon who was next to me, looking at Changmin with wide eyes. "Recorded? That would be a significant piece of evidence." I commented, and received a nod from Changmin. "We probably have to go back to that secret office of theirs or maybe their home to find it." He said, leaning into his chair nonchalantly.

His words however reminded me of what had happened in the office, causing my face to burn up again. "Thinking about just now, aren't you? Cute." Changmin whispered amongst the loud discussion of the boys who ended up gathering behind Hyunjae who had snatched the file from Juyeon. A soft "I'm not?!" was my attempt at protesting even though I know it was the least bit of convincing, earning a pinch on my cheek by a smiling Changmin.


The sound of a photo being taken caught our attention as we turned towards the source of the sound aka Eric. Changmin and I were frozen, and so were the boys who were flustered by the unexpected sound. "Erm, hi? Ha ha I was just taking a selfie with the guys? Yeah, I was! Smile guys!" Eric's voice went up by two octaves, dropping his phone before scrambling to pick it up from the floor but still going along with his act as the others played along with him, posing for a selfie.

"Eric. That's your wallet."

finally a longer chap!

don't forget to vote :) lmk if you're enjoying this book too!

~thedouble_a (21/04/21)

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