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Changmin's POV

"We're being watched." Eric's eyes staring widely at the device. "And it's not you guys." Oh Eric. The others went quiet before rustling sounds could be heard, they were obviously panicking at the unexpected situation and honestly I was too. Trying to figure out something, I stood still as I scanned the room for other similar devices. "Changmin, the door's locked. We're stuck." Ok shit.

"Stuck? Changmin, are you not able to get out?" Juyeon's worried voice was heard through the earpiece. "I can't. There's nothing on the inside, it can only be unlocked from the outside."I sighed, now standing in front of the door. "Nawww, we're doomed!" Eric dramatically wailed as he knelt down next to me. Long night indeed. Turning away from him, I continued searching through the office to look for more evidences.

Figuring we what we needed, we sat ourselves down in the office; one on the desk and one on the chair. "What do we do now?" Eric asked, pulling out random pieces of papers from various files to make a mess. "We wait for someone to come."

"Well, well. What do we have here?" A rough voice was heard, making us snap our heads towards the source; old Mr Jung. He sauntered in with a smirk plastered on his slightly wrinkled face, followed by two well-built guards. "Cut the crap, you already know why we're here." I spat, glaring at his approaching figure.

"Fine then, hand it back to me and you guys can leave in one piece." The smirk gone, a piercing stare replacing it. "How about no?" Eric rolled his eyes at the elder who scoffed before signalling something to the guards behind him.

Exchanging glances with Eric, I nodded at him as the guards came towards us. Eric took the hint and immediately sprinted towards the door while I distracted the two, tripping them both as I pushed the chair towards them.


The sound made me look up, coming face to face with a familiar weapon.

Eric's POV

I sprinted out the moment Changmin nodded at me. Stopping briefly in front of the elevator, I thought back to what he had told me before.

"Run when I tell you to and don't turn back no matter what. Go off without me, I'll be right back."

I had no choice but to listen to what the leader had ordered. Finally pressing the button of the elevator, I let out a sigh. "Eric? Eric! What's the situation now? Why is Changmin not responding?" Juyeon asked. "I'm on my way to the car. Changmin's still inside, he told me to leave first." My voice slightly trembling and it didn't go unnoticed by those at the headquarters.

"B-but I think his earpiece is dead. He can't contact us and we can't contact him." I stuttered. "Calm down, Ric. Changmin will be fine on his own." Chanhee's voice took over, trying to comfort me but I could hear a tinge of worry in his voice.

After what felt like hours, the elevator was finally here as I flinched from the soft ding. Stepping in when the doors slid open, I jumped at the sudden ear-deafening sound that came from the secret office.

A gun shot.

I was about to turn back when I remembered Changmin's words from before. I'll trust you, leader-nim. I thought to myself as I sprinted off to the car, hopping on and driving back to the headquarters at top speed. Hang on bro, we'll come for you soon.

short chap for now!

~thedouble_a (11/5/21)

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