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Y/n's POV

The next few days were nothing out of the unusual; no break-ins, no The Stealers. Today wasn't an exception either as Sunwoo and I walked back into our room. "I'll shower first." I said without waiting for him to reply, rushing into the room first as Sunwoo usually takes a long time in the washroom.

Stepping out after a cold shower, I was drying my hair but stopped when an oddly familiar voice called out. "Ah, Y/n. You're finally out." His smooth voice cooed. "Lee Juyeon?!" My eyes widened at the unexpected visitor as Sunwoo kept glaring at him. "What are you doing here? And how...?" I asked, still shocked at his appearance. "Yeah, why are you here?" Sunwoo joined, moving to stand in front of me.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt anyone especially not Y/n. She knows that too, don't you babe?" Juyeon chuckled sitting down on my bed before continuing, ignoring my second question.

"Anyways, I'm here to pass a message that's all. I'm sure all of you know Changmin and Lee Sangyeon's past now and also us asking for Y/n's help, so we would like to invite you for a discussion. Only the 6 of you are invited, bring any reinforcements and you're all dead meat." Juyeon said with a firm voice and a threatening smirk on his face, holding an envelope in between his fingers before placing it down onto my bed.

"Alright, time for me to go. Good night babe and you too, Kim Sunwoo." He said, the smirk still on his handsome face as took his leave via the window. "What just happened...?" I wondered out loud, still processing what had happened. Sunwoo was already sitting on my bed, reading the contents in the envelope. Getting myself together, I sat down next to him as he handed me the letter.


We would like to talk to your team and are hoping for the cooperation of all of you.

Only the six are welcome and any reinforcements are not.

We will see you at the restaurant down the street tomorrow at 7pm.

Hope to see you there.

- The Stealers

"We have to tell the others. Come on." Sunwoo said, grabbing the letter from me and pulling me with him. Soon, all six of us were gathered in the meeting room. "So what's up?" Hyunjae asked, yawning. "Lee Juyeon came." Sunwoo announced, pushing the envelope to the middle of the table.

The guys' were all so shocked their sleepiness seemed to seeped away, all of them gathering around Sangyeon who had grabbed the envelope first. "Tomorrow? What do they want? Did Lee Juyeon say anything?" Sangyeon asked as Sunwoo and I explained what had happened in our room to them. "I'm curious. Why would they want and need our help?" Jacob voiced his thoughts, which was practically what all of us were thinking.

None of us knew or even has the slightest clue about it. "Do we really go and meet them?" Hyunjae asked, looking at Sangyeon for confirmation. "I guess, we have to find out what they want." Sangyeon decided after thinking about it. "Dismissed. Everyone go catch up on some sleep before tomorrow."

Sunwoo's POV

I was sitting in my bed, waiting for my turn to shower as I scrolled through random pages on my phone when I heard light taps from the window. Squinting my eyes due to the nightlight and moonlight being the only sources of light, I made out a tall and lean figure that had managed to let himself in through the window.

"Who are you?" I asked, alarmed, reaching for my gun that was on the side table next to my bed. "Woah, relax. I come in peace." The tall man said, arms raised. "Who are you?" I asked once again, standing at a safe distance from the intruder. "Lee Juyeon?" I managed to recognise him from the portraits Kevin had drawn once he removed his mask.

"Great, you know me too. Where's Y/n?" Juyeon spoke nonchalantly as if this situation was normal. "Bathing. What's your deal with her?" I continued to question him. "We like her, that's all." He smiled, shrugging his shoulders. Like her? Wth? Observing, I glared at him as he stood in front of the window he just came in from. The atmosphere was intense as silence filled the room, until Y/n came out of the washroom.

another chap hehe

enjoy <3

~thedouble_a (13/11/20)

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