31.. Norway

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Foreign Country, New Culture and Same Heart

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Foreign Country, New Culture and Same Heart. Is The Best Combination.

Night, Afternoon

Victoria was laying on Couch Above on Yatch under the stary Night. The Surrounding was filled with sounds of waves. The Stars were Twinkling under the Black Sky. It was calm and peaceful.

Ares smile walking and lay down beside her staring the Start Night.

"You Know When Dad used to get free from work. He always took us camping For Day Or Two and We three lay down watching stars at night." Victoria smiled and Ares smile and get up laying side way resting his head with elbow support the palm.

"For Me It's Was Rodriguez, Gramps was always busy with work but when he got free I was Underground with him for months. Something Arcane Thought I got Kidnapped." Ares smile and she smiled turning looking at him.

"They Are Lot More Than Family." Victoria smiles and Ares lays down and puts her head on his chest.

"Yea, They Are. You Know When I was Kid I always thought why my parents couldn't be with me but certainly I Learnt that it was my Destiny. I turned cruel and feeling less but Rodriguez have another place in my heart."

"I am in Debt with Archer. He Took Me As Daughter and walked me down the Aisle and gave you to me happily. I can never repay them." She speaks making him smile more.

"You Remember When We First Met. You were lot more than Wild Cat." Ares speaks on cherishing the memories with while she chuckled and pull him closer.

"I am Still Wild Cat. Just Take Me To Bed I will show you." Ares heart thumped suddenly with Suprise and he turned watching her while she looked into his Green eyes.

"You are Turning Lot Dirty." He moved closer to her face while she smiled closing the gap between them.

"Can't Help I got bad influence of my husband." He immediately laugh watching her and lean closing her lips with his warm lips. She smiled moving her on his chest pressing every inch of them kissing him back.

"God! You So addictive." He moan Kissing her deeply when she climbed over him kissing his neck undoing his shirt button kissing down over his chest when He turned and pressed her down on couch hovering her.

She Smirk Opening his shirt while he watched and smirk over her.

"You aren't sleeping tonight" He says picking her up while she wrap her legs around his torso kissing his neck.

"Who Says I want to?" She rubbed his bare chest with her palms holding head with other hands and placing trailing kisses on his Sexy Long Neck. The sensation was lot more than she could imagine.


The Dim light was Illuminating the room. The windows were closer making Darkness Stronger then it was. He Kicked The Bedroom closer with her in his arms while she Placing Kisses behind his ear. He was sexually weak under her sweet assualt. Talking Long strides he placed her on bed and slam his lips on her roughly Un tugging his shirt while her hands hurriedly Remove his coat and unbuttoned his shirt. He threw them away and parted her legs pulling her closer pressing himself against her.

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