4. Secret

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Next Day

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Next Day

She was sleeping soundly wrap in white quilt. The loud Phone Ringing echoed Inside. She slowly opens her eyes watching him sleeping in deep sleep. He holds sheets against her sitting in position and leans to his side picking up his phone. She was surprised to see someone from 'Women' Name Calling him. Ruthless Man Like Ares won't have women beside him thought looking at him than answers the call keeping near her ears.

"Ares!" She hears man sound. She looks at Ares than answer.

"He is sleeping" She says and other side feels in silence.

"Victoria Is That You" she was surprised to hear her name. Someone Knows her beside Ares Also.

"Yea! May I know how do know my name?" She ask when Ares moves turning to face her. She holds Quilt tightly against her.

"Ares! Visit New York for one reason and his best friend is aware of that. Tell him to call back when he wakes up." The call hangs up. She keeps the phone at her night stand watching him.

He have best friend she thinks and slowly gets off the bed looking the messed up room. Picking up the clothes she keeps them in basket and walks into bathroom having shower. The Last night Things were still in her mind. She closed her eyes standing under water. She relaxed breathing soundly and washing herself.

Earlier I thought As Long As I am with him no one can touch me. But it turns out to be same. I am a bed warmer at last. She cried slowly clasping her mouth.

After Shower She walks out from closet room getting changed seeing bed empty. She confusingly looks around and walks In the hall seeing it empty. There was faint voice coming from the kitchen. Taking her steps there she looked around seeing fruits and ingredients on counter and Ares cooking.

He was all dressed up and his hairs wet

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He was all dressed up and his hairs wet. He must have shower in other room she thought moving inside slowly standing facing at him. He was wearing his black suit. It felt like same when she met him first in the rainy weather. She was sure he was leaving.

"You are leaving?" she asked Looking him and he places the omelet and pancakes in plates and looked at her and nodded.

"Won't be coming for few months" He says and she sighed in relief and Silently looks at breakfast. It was first time he was cooking here. Everything was perfectly done.

"Don't Be happy, My Men's Will Keep Check on you" He said huskily frightening the soul out of her. She turns sacredly looking at him. When did he came behind me She thought. He steps towards her she collies with the counter.

"Make Sure No One Knows about me as always" he says watching her Blue frightened eyes. She nods immediately and he smiles watching her.

"Come Lets Have Breakfast" He holds her by shoulder. She turns slightly watching his hands on shoulder. It was sure warning about she doesn't tell anyone about him as always.

Pulling chair for her and she takes seat nervously. He sits beside her and places the breakfast and started the meal.

After Breakfast, He turns and place peck on her lips wearing his coat And Place His Cards in her hands.

"Next Time I want all those dresses used in the closet or I will burn everyone of them with one of yours you are wearing right Now." He warns and turns to Leave. He was no man of goodbye. He was man of nightmare. After she met, she never breath of relief with him.

After Hours,

Victoria was in her boutique working on new design with few people. She was talking when she received the call. Excusing herself she picked the call up walking into distance area.

"Where are you? I have few questions for you" she heard Stella. Victoria Sighed and answer.

"Why the hell is your number private" she asks and Stella chuckle.

"I am calling from Ian Phone. Sorry if I scared the hell out of you." Stella says and Victoria smiles.

"It's ok, let me know when you are free. I will crash at your place." Stella says and Victoria hummed when Chief Operation manager called her. She hanged up the call walking Inside the meeting area.

New York, Penthouse Royal Suite

Ares walked inside his Penthouse looking at the furniture windows and the decore. The men's wearing black suit walked surrounding the area with guns in hands and pocket. The sight itself tells the story to Stay Away.

He pushed the door open walking inside seeing Ian Anderson sitting and sipping his coffee. The room was in silence with only three men's inside.

"What is it?" Ares asked taking his king chair looking at him with Silence. His Security Xavier came beside him taking his spot.

"Victoria!!" Ian says Looking at Ares without even blinking. He was touching wrong point at right time. He Knew!!

"What about her?" He asked casually when his Butler brought his coffee and placed in front of him. He picked mug and took suo watching his best friend looking at him.

"Does She knows that you ordered to kill her parents?" He asked while Ares takes his sips silently. Xavier was watching the show silently with open eyes and Ears.

"She just remember my face that I killed them but you are soul of everything. Does she knows it? Does she even know what you have done to her only related left uncle family. Does She Know You are the one who have slowly destroyed everything she had." He asked. Ares sighed keeping his coffee.

"She was living with predators. And She is now in safe hands! You need to leave before I Kill You with my bare hands. You were my bestfriend not now." He says. Ian chuckle and looks at him.

"Than I will Tell her everything once and Then Let's See how safe she is" He says and Ares Smirk widely, Xavier fear it at once.  Keeping his coffee on table, leaning to his best friend he speaks.

"She is Victoria Ares Azriel King. She doesn't even know she has been married to me since years. Having name Victoria Emerson doesn't change fact she belongs to me. No one can do anything." Ian sat in suprise hearing the news he got few seconds ago.

"You married her?" He asked in shock watching him. Ares leans back to his Royal King chair watching his suprise Friend.

"She is Victoria Ares Azriel King!" He says and Ian Froze and asked Again.

"She Doesn't Know about it. But How?" The wait for his answer was like getting treasure.

"I made her sign the papers without her known. Once in a life she will try to run and this will keep her with life long. I never leave things incomplete Behind me. And I won't leave a enemy also that can destroy me. Heard that Now Leave."

Ian angrily gets up leaving and Ares sips his coffee silently.

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