48. Agony

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Lies Pulls The Deep Agony of Heart!!

"You Lied! You Killed All These People while we were on our Honeymoon. Didn't You!" She mentioned and Ares froze looking up at her while she cried trying to free herself.

"You Killed When I Thought You Weren't. I thought You Changed But You Lied To Me all Along! You didn't killed but you killed whole Family Even the Last Ones Of Them!" She cried trying to free herself. Her she lost her breath in between of crying. She gasped for air. Ares immediately grabbed her Rubbing her back.

"Breath Ria! Breath! Look at Me!" He mentioned trying to calm her Panick Attack. The room around suffocated her when Ares grabbed her face and placed his lips on her breathing Oxygen in her body. Her hands immediately held his shoulder.

He knew this!

He Knew This Panick Attack on her. She had one when she first started living with her. The nightmare she used to have leave her breathless and he had no option than blow air in her mouth to keep her Breathing. She wasn't serious but sometimes she couldn't breath out of nightmare.

After A While She calms and Ares moved away looking at her.

"Why?" She asked crying looking at him. He had all the answers she was looking from years but kept them with himself.

"I Love You! I Trusted you with myself my hope and life's. And You Crushed them all with all the secret. Why Ares?" She asked looking up at him while He watched her. There was deep agony in her heart making her felt she should have been dead. She Didn't wanted a life anymore. He was scared if open his mouth she will run away far away from him. She was looked for answers in his eyes but he kept it all shut. She was hurt!!

"You Know! I Can't Live Like This. My life should have ended years back that way." She mentioned trying to move away from him but he grabbed her pulling her in hug. Scared Enough to lose her.

She lost all the hope she had with him for once in a while.

"You are Gonzalez! You are the True Gonzalez. You father wasn't Emerson Nor his Title was Emerson. He was real Gonzalez and Real Heir of Everything. The Property you passed me was Mafia Property.  Gonzalez are the Mafia and Brutal Mafia of Spain." He speaks holding her closer. Still scared to lose but nothing scared him more than not telling her the truth she wanted all her life long.

"You Family Death wasn't just about Property But It Was Mafia. O'Kane!! Huxley!! Johansson!! Gonzalez! are the Mafia all around the world wanted you Dead. You were the Soul Heir of Everything after Callum was dead. And Ofcourse I was the one who killed him. Begin Kings Of Mafia isn't easy. My Parents Dead wasn't just accident. It was well planned murder by all the Mafia. Because my father was growing powerful and they knew the Heir That's Is Me will the be the most feared Mafia of all time. So, they killed them. I wanted Revenge and I needed to kill. I planned to disapper all the Mafia. But I Met You Victoria." He moved away looking at her. His eyes were red as her.

"I did plan to kill your family before I saw you in college graduation day. You had everything that I wanted Deep down once in my life. A Happy Family! Loving Father and Caring mother. A perfect family life. I Declined my plan and Planned to Keep you all safe as long I am alive. The Graduation Day I Met Your Father and I told him everything and in return I promise him to you all safe and he agreed. He never wanted a single breed of Mafia around you. But That Night Ian Anderson Double Crossed me with Nolan plan. I swear Victoria I planned to keep you away from me but I couldn't. I kept you hidden for years after that but I couldn't. I Felt For You more than I can explain. I am sorry I brought you to all these but I wanted us and our family to be saved." He says all looking at her while she just looked him like she was lost.

"I can't imagine now how many innocent you have killed in order to keep us safe." She says lowly in weak tone still looking at him like a lost soul knowing nothing what lies ahead.

"What Do You Mean I killed innocent. What about them who crushed my all life long happiness. I wanted my Parents and they killed. what about me? Wasn't I Innocent? Wasn't You Innocent? They took everything from us!" He shouted looking at and Victoria lost everything she felt for while. She didn't knew this Ares at All Or She knew but wasn't ready to accept one. Her heart felt devoid of any emotions she had for him.

"My Baby Is Innocent and I swear to protect him or her without your support Ares. I am done Here" She says ready to get off the couch when Ares grabbed her holding wrist and twisted at her back grabbing her hairs holding against his face forcefully

"You won't go anywhere alone Victoria. I finished this game last week and there is no more Threat. As we planned we will be leaving for our Island. You will be never able to run away from me. As I mentioned Before Also!" He said coldly looking at her. Fresh Tears drops rolled down her cheeks and he left her

"Zane!!" Ares Yelled loudly while looking at Suprised face of Victoria and Zane immediately ran inside looking at them.

"Scort My Wife To The bedroom. Make sure she doesn't leave the room and Ask all men's to back in position. Nobody is leaving the position until we leave!" Ares mentioned and Zane nods his head. Ares gets up grabbing his coat from couch standing looking up at Victoria coldly. Everything was back like first day they met.

He waited for her to get up. She slowly rise up from her seat walking Upstairs with Zane behind her.

Everything was like Happy Mirage! She thought walking through the open foyer towards her room when her vision blurred, world spin and before she could register what was happening everything faded and she fell.

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