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Next Morning!

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Next Morning!


"That Bitch. How did she got along with Ares Azriel King? Doesn't She knows He Is Dangerous. To get his profit he can do anything. And he killed her Family. She might be Daughter of my Step Brother and Heiress of Everything and Now Bed warmer of Ares But She will die. And I will have everything in my hands" Seniors Gonzales smiled evil' dreaming Seeing His two men's sitting down in knees in front of him. He was man in his late 40s with Black Golden Locks. Fair white skin, grey eyes, pinkish Grey lips and Cheeks with deep scar on cheeks.

The Cigar In Hand was cold. He kept it aside standing pressing his suit with his hands. He glared at the men's down and the worry and Fear birth inside them..

"Mr. Nolan We Tried our best the mislead his accounts and implement the process of Bankruptcy but he was smart enough. We even tried to Break Some Of Law through his side but he found out." The Two Men's Sitting on floor looks up slowly finding the cat walking and taking seat on his chair.

"How Did You Two Break Through?" Nolan asked looking at them. Slowly His men's walked behind two of them with the Swords.

"He Free Us. We didn't break through." One of them speaks looking down when Gonzales stepped speaking.

"Kill Them" He walked away stepping on the floor. His men's took the sword out and snap their head off them. It falls on the ground.

Kings Palace

He slowly wakes up moving his head removing his hand from thing he was holding. It was most peaceful sleep He ever had. The morning was giving him lively and energetic vibes.

It felt like he was sleeping on someone. Getting up slowly her looks At Victoria laying soundly. He was laying on her. His head was on her chest and and arms around her. He slowly raise up seeing TV off while she sleeps peaceful.

She let Me Sleep All Night on her. He thought sitting up properly looking at her. Her face was glowing under sunlight. Her lips were of deep red with lashes fanning her cheeks. She wakes up opening her eyes watching him.

His World Stopped at once seeing her blue orbs staring at him with some deep feeling. His heart felt alive once Again thumping against his ribs widely. He was almost hovering her.

Why He looking Me Like That. Was he laying on chest because he feels heavy there. She thought Blinking. It was most peaceful night she ever had after that night. She was feeling relaxed and happy. She knew she just wanted to be with him for unknown reasons.

For him She blinks and Blinks and turns away looking everywhere than him. He could hear her heart thumping. His Heart flutter for unknown reasons and he opens his mouth.

"Should we go somewhere?" He asked, she turns looking at him. His ears just wanted to hear her Yes and She nods her head slowly not knowing what she was getting herself into.

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