22. Property

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Your Arms are my Home and World!!

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Your Arms are my Home and World!!

Ares was laying with his head on her Lap with close eyes with swing moving slowly. Victoria slowly moved her hand in his hair watching him.

He had Beautiful, Smooth, Shining, Tousled Dark Hair, which were thick and lustrous. His eyes were a Sharp, Shining and Deep Ocean Green - Blue. His face was strong and defined with long lashes. He had perfect Ripe lips and A prominent Sharp jaw curved around and long graceful neck.

She slowly moved her fingers over his moving down brushing over his cheeks and jaw moving to his neck when he caught it and hold down on his belly.

"Don't Tempt Me Mrs. King" She chuckled when load voice came making them snap.

"You Brat! You are sleeping while I am working." Ares suddenly Shrieked Internally opening his eyes getting up sitting straight. His Fell Over His Gramps Standing Faking Sulking Over Him. He sighed watching him.

"Gramps you scared me" He angrily Jeered sitting beside Victoria while she laugh softly.

"Now Get Up!! We are getting late." Senior King Enunciated grabbing his arms. Ares slowly stand up along with Victoria and changed the coat brought by Xavier.

"Is Everyone Ready?" Ares Inquired Closing the button and Senior King nods his head.

They started walking towards the Estate Entrance and started to get inside the Car. The Drive was going on smooth and safely.  Ares hold Victoria hand while she looks outside as Xavier Drives the Car.

I hope everything goes Well. This can be life threatening. I need to be careful. Ares thinks and holds her hand tightly making her turn and look at him.

Gonzalez Estate

Victoria Sat Up Straight Looking around. The Board Gonzalez was Enough for her to know. Turning her face immediately she looks at Ares with state of shock along with her thumping heart.

"You Need To Know Something Before We Start Over. Just Remember What I Told you in Garden. Do You Remember It?" Ares Questionion holding her hand while she nods Slowly looking at him.

"We are Going At Gonzalez; I Arranged Meeting With Him. He Contacted Me Last Week after he came over his son death. He wanted to clear his dues." Ares announced looking at her face. She looked worried and he clearly what she was thinking.

She wasn't scared but she was worried. Why He Need To brought her here when she was finally Happy. Yes, She was selfish for her happiness.

"We will be there in few Minutes. Just Proceed As I Say". He speaks turning looking out of windows holding her in his arms.

The Car come hlut in front of mansion gate. The Mansion was beautiful and big but nothing Like Ares. 

Ares walks out closing his shirt button in his shades along with his Grandfather and walks opening door for Victoria.

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