47. Lies

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Where have they gone? She curiously keeps the bottle in fridge for a while and walks outside looking around

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Where have they gone? She curiously keeps the bottle in fridge for a while and walks outside looking around. The Mansion Felt Oddly Silence.

She looks around the ares and steps in silence walking towards the west.

The Steps sound was only thing could be heard Around. It was like no one Existed for a while. The curiosity filled her. Walking around west wing she pushed the Big mansion door looking around.

Not to steps in South and west wing. Just Remember This. My Security resides there. There are lots of men's.

She remembered Ares Mentioning it one the night when she asked him about it.

But It Feels like no one ever walked this side of Mansion. She thought stepping looking around the big foyer when her mouth fell wide off with Beautiful smile. There was big garden with natural waterfalls. The Butterfly and birds were around the flower. For a while it felt like was Dream.

How could a Mansion have this beautiful things she thought stepping Around Seeing the Garden.

This Ares Jerk was hiding this beautiful place in west wing! She smiled walking into the garden.

How I never see this Garden from Top Of Mansion. She asked her self when her  subconscious minds answer.

It was covered with other tall pillar around Stupid

Victoria smiles looking around when her consiousness hits her.

"Why would Ares hide this from me. There must be something more." She moved out of garden walking through the foyer looking around.

She entered the dark room scaring her soul off. She looks around for switch board and luckily she finds one. Switching the lights on her eyes fell around the big empty space having ancient decoration and marbled floor.

It Was Big Ball Room Hall!

She spotted big door at the other end of hall. She slowly takes steps when she fell in different world. The Door Lead towards the Underground Chambers.

She started exploring underground room. They were more like Royal People Lived here but there was mostly Modern touch. The Mansion was Beautiful and Strangely Strange.

She looked when her eyes fell on Black Chamber While all others were white. It felt Oddly strange for her. She walks around and pushed the door little and it open.

All Other Doors were closed. Isn't It! She thought walking inside finding there was another spiral case like Stairs. Taking her steps down placing her hands on belly. It was pitch dark with no lights around. She looks for switch board but found none.

Reaching to the ground she found one switch board of light. She on lights around and walks. It felt like she was walking into the traps of her life's. It was strange, scary and threatening. She kept walking out of curiosity.

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