43. Punishment

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King Mansion

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King Mansion

Ares Hurriedly Steps Inside the mansion when he meet Noah in Mid way. Noah points towards the hall silently. Ares quickly walks there and sees Victoria sitting on Long Arms Chair Sipping Hot Chocolate while gazing at the Fire.

He slowly step towards her discarding his coat on couch and sat in front of her. She looks at him with her blue orbs silently.

Her eyes were netural and Calm. She sat watching and waiting for him for the explanation. Her nervously sat down in front of her looking into her eyes.

"I have someone in my Presence Locked Up. He was the only who could provide me information about something. I didn't wanted you to know. You already have so much on your plate. I don't Wanted to trouble you about anything more." He explain looking at her eyes. He Knew If He looked down, away from her eyes she will instantly walk away from him. Victoria Didn't speak for while and took breath speaking.

"Did I ever stop you from doing anything Ares?" She asked. He shook his neck in NO still watching her. 

"If Any Harm Came To My Baby Ares! I will leave you. And Trust me there will NO going back after that." She keeps the empty mug aside on side table and got up walking away.

She is Angry! His consciousness at once Announce it to him. He couldn't help but regret not telling her about it. They promised each other they will never hide anything from each other. But here it was Ares hided.

Victoria closed the door locking up from inside and walked towards the Lying down on bed staring it silently.

She Felt Hurt! Ares Lied to her. She couldn't stop but how long he had been lying to her. She couldn't stop her but herself. She closed her and took long Breath attempting to sleep. There is no point to Overthink. She have been through lot and now she could handle every emotion.

Next Day

Ares slowly get dresses watching Sleeping Victoria. She was still angry on him. He couldn't take it. Leaving his coat he walked towards her and sat beside her.

"Ria!" He called softly looking at her. He knew she was still Angry but they needed to talk. Ignoring and Stop talking wasn't any option.


She slowly moves in her sleep opening her eyes Watching her.

"Come On Wake Up! It's already eight." He says and silently gets up sitting on bed resting her back against headboard.

"I am Sorry about Last Night! I know I should have told you but I Couldn't!" He says looking at her and moving closer.

"I Need Shower First" She says slowly getting up and he nods his head Moving away.

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