10. Bathing

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Care is to show and love is to feel

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Care is to show and love is to feel.

Next Day

Victoria was silently sitting watching out of windows. She was covered in Duvet up her bottom and hair open. The rain was slowly patterning outside while she sat watching them. Ares walks inside with Lunch tray in Xavier Hands. Xavier put the tray on bed, She felt the Presence. She sat up straight and saw Ares standing. Xavier walked out of room leaving two alone.

He sat beside her on stool and looked at her.

"Come On Its Lunch time" He says taking bowl and spoon full of soup and blow it cold taking near her mouth. She Silently lean and sip it.

"Gonzalez have got you" Ares says Looking at soup Bowl and then pulled another spoon.

"Doesn't matter, I have nothing left. They took everything from me. May be this baby was one hope of mine but they took it also." She says and sip juice looking outside. Ares got up and sat beside her on bed facing her.

"Come with me, My Place." He says and forward another spoon.

"I Can't, I don't want any risk. I just want to know who killed my parents. Just do that for me." She says when he forwarded another spoon full of juice.

"It wasn't an Choice" He says and put spoon in her mouth.

"You are coming with me next week after Alexis and Luca get married. And There you won't be Victoria Emerson. You will be Mrs. Victoria Azriel King." He says Looking at her orbs. She was lost of words. He keeps the empty bowls away and open the drawer taking out ring.

Ares hold her hands and slide the ring down her fingers and looks at her.

"Between I forgot to tell you. You are already married to me. I made you sign the papers along all the other papers that Day" Ares says leaving Victoria in State of shock. He got up picking the dishes and walks out of room.

Victoria just couldn't intake the new news Ares gave her. She was married all this time!!

She was between her thoughts when Ares walk again and take seat beside her on bed covering them in Duvet.

"How could you do this to me?" She asked angrily looking at  him.

"Its over Victoria. Your Angry or cry won't change anything" Ares says looking at her and grabbed the book on stand.

"At least I deserve the answer Mr. Ares Azriel King. You married me forcefully. I don't want to be with you. I am thankful you save me but you don't owe my life." She says and tried to get off from the bed when he grabbed her hands and pulled back on bed.

"Don't act like Child Victoria. They will kill if you are alone. I am here. This time they won't be able to touch you." He says when she chuckle looking at him.

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