16. Gazebos

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She Never knew He was her always!!

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She Never knew He was her always!!

Next Morning

The sun was shining brightly falling over the trees and people. Birds were flying over sea. The sea continually hits of the the shore. She slowly turns opening her eyes finding other side empty.

Sitting on bed she rubbed her neck looking around. There was no trace of him to find. It was one lazy morning she didn't wanted to wake. Blinking her eyes she looked around the on quilt covering her. She looks at herself wearing his T-shirt from last night.

The Clock was tickling around and hit 12 announcing it was late afternoon.

Yawing she got off the bed walking into bathroom and stood in front of mirror watching herself. She looked Messy Yet Beautiful. The exposed neck had several hickey.

He is wild She thought and picked the toothbrush applying toothpaste and started brushing her teeth.

While Brushing her teeth she filled the bath tub with steaming water and took seat on its edges.

While Brushing her teeth she filled the bath tub with steaming water and took seat on its edges

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After shower she walked climbed down the stairs looking around

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After shower she walked climbed down the stairs looking around. The security standing inside was looking down along with Xavier.

"Good Afternoon Ma'am" He greeted and she nods her head. Xavier escorted her through the dining around. The Chef was standing with his cooks behind looking down.

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