40. Moments

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At Night

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At Night

He slowly steps down inside the dungeon of his south wings. Victoria was fast asleep and there was no better time than at her sleeping time. He mid of his way he met Noah.

"Where is He?" Ares asked Noah lead the way. They walked through doors closing it behind when Ares walked in room of dungeon and Smiles.

"Ian Anderson! How Great is To Have you here!" Ares Chuckle and saw Zane standing watching them.
The Room was cold and dark and only illuminated with one light. The table in corner was placed with variety of Iron and Poisoned tool.

Zane Slowly Held Out Safely his favourite tool. Ares grabbed his tiny customised jet injector watching Ian Eyes widen. He quickly started struggling to free himself when Ares chuckle and sat in front of him.

"Threatening Me and Thinking You Will Run Far away!" Ares smirks moving tip over his cheeks. The sweat started to ooze out of his body. He tried not move from his seat. The Jet Injector had deadliest Poision Botulinum toxin. Ares never left a chance to leave his enemy to have a thought having free from him.

"I Guess You Remember This!" He asked and Ian dare not move leaving small pants.

"Want to say something!" He asked and Ian slowly nods his head. Ares Gesture Zane and He walked with His Push Dagger and Poshland RAM-211 (Jagdkommando Tri- Dagger).

"And This Is My Most Priorities Weapon!" Ares smiled Grabbing his Poshland RAM-211 and smiled looking at Ares. Noah Walked and remove the tape off his mouth and he breath looking at her.

"Ares!! Look it wasn't me. Nolan wants Victoria Dead. Why would I kill my friend wife and Only Love." He stated and Ares Chuckle and Dagger his Kidney. His mouth felt open in pain and before he could scream Noah again taped his lips. And He left silent screams in pain.

"Cause You Are Obsessed with all of us women. What happened with Arcane Women will Never Happened with any of Women around Us. Victoria is My Wife and If anything happens to her I won't step until I take every organ out of your body keeping you awake and rip of your brain out with my own hands!" He says And takes dagger out stabbing back at same stop.

"Now! I heard about Nolan! What's about him isn't he scared about his rest of family!" He asked and stopped and relaxed watching Ian in complete pain.

Few Minutes Later Noah pulled tape out and he speaks between his cries.

"He know you have taken over both the Mafia and He is scared! He wants Victoria Dead caused she without knowing unconsciously named everything on your name. You are doing everything against his will and rules. Everyone is scared. They are planning something big against you but I don't know what it is. I was just asked to do have Victoria accident but I failed. Either I Die here or there nothing means to me now. I want my freedom and for that I will do anything" Ian said all in one Breath of pain agony. Ares Chuckle immediately and lean towards him.

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