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Art of Love can repair, the once broken heart

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Art of Love can repair, the once broken heart.

She walked inside her apartment taking her heels out walking inside throwing her purse and bag on couch and fell on it. She was hell tried from the work. Opening her hair from messy bun she relaxed closing her eyes laying down there for a while.

"You are late Fiesty Cat" She at once open her eyes and turns looking into kitchen. She was actually surprised to see Ares standing leaning against Kitchen door with water watching her.

"What are doing here?" she asked and immediately regrets it. He raised his brows looking at her and correct her sentence.

"I.. I mean ... I thought you would be staying at Montgomery Estate." She says nervously when he walks towards her remove his coat and takes seat beside her.

"Sofia may be my mother best friend but she can never be my family" He says looking at her. She was amused for the first time. He was talking about his family. Suddenly she had urged to know more but she stopped herself.

"I will get change" she says changing topic when he held her Belly and lays his head down on her lap taking her to shock. Her breath stopped for a while but he looked so relaxed. He looked at her. She slowly relaxed uncomfortably and moved her hands in his hairs.

Ares immediately closed his eyes laying there. She relaxed comfortably watching him. He breath was calm. Watching him she took time to notice his sharp features and long lashes fanning his cheeks.

He was no Doubt Handsome But She found cute more with ruffle hairs. She herself for unknown reasons find herself smilingly watching him breathing soundly.

He was having best time of life, until doors opens and Xavier speaks.

"Sir!! We have Flight" Ares opens his eyes at once and sat up glaring at him deadly. The colour of Xavier drains out.

"Out!!" Ares roared making Victoria flinch in fear. She was scared with sudden change in him. Second Ago he looked so peaceful and now all Ruthless and Devil Monster. Xavier walked at wrong time.

Xavier at once ran out not ready to face warth of him. Victoria was hell scared. She was shivering looking at table thinking of way to disappear when suddenly felt hand on wrist. She flinch scaredly but only to find Ares holding it and pulling her.

"Shhh Breath" He says holding her and picked her in his arms placing on his lap. He rubbed her cold arms and placed her coat over them and locked the door with Remote.

Ares Pulled her closer in his warmth making her relax for unknown reasons. He moved his hands in her hairs and slowly put her head near his chest hearing his soft thumping of heart.

It felt it was all needed in her life. Closing her eyes she wrap her arms around her waist taking him off guard. He never got intimate with her like this. This felt different. He picked her in his arms walking into bedroom.

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