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Care and Love All Everyone wants

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Care and Love All Everyone wants.

After A Week

Alexis walked inside the bedroom Quickly Placing so many pillow against the headboard. Ares walks inside with Victoria inside holding safely and securely. He placed her down on bed covering with quilt quickly.

"You Ok?" Alexis asked giving water to Victoria while she nods her head. Ares takes the glass first and sip water. Alexis looks at him in suprise. Ares King caring about someone life. He slowly passed the glass near her lips. She slowly sips water and move away.

Holding the pillow behind her back, she relax closing her eyes. Doctors and team walks inside taking things out and placing IV.

"Rest we will be out" Ares says getting up leaving Xavier in bedroom dragging Alexis out with him.

"What?" Alexis frowns freeing her hands glaring at him.

"Few Precautions!! Xavier will be standing there all time. Anything that you give to Victoria he wil check it and Taste it. Infact Yours too." Ares says coldly and walks into kitchen.

He sees his men's working collecting everything carefully into packet and Boxes while another new boxes lies in the corner. Ready to be replace!!

"What are you doing. These are still fresh and new. I got them a day ago only with Victoria." Alexis says ready to walk inside the kitchen when Ares grabs her pushing out.

"The Kitchen is poisoned. Now can you stop being Kid and Let my men's do things. And Don't step inside if you don't want to die." Ares says when his eyes fell on glass fron last on counter. Alexis Just turns and walks away from there.  He remembered Victoria drinking water from it. He gesture his men's to pick it. The Black suit men picks it keeping I box and walked outside.

Victoria was sleeping soundly on bed. The Kitchen was Clean and Antidote already more than twice. The Maids were working on cleaning and looking for other things.

"Sir, If Gonzales Knows About Miss Victoria than its probably not the safe place to live." Xavier says looking at Ares who was quietly watching Sleeping Victoria.

"They Probably Know She is alive but they don't know she is with me. Secure the place and anything suspicious clean it before hand. We will be living here until is she is well enough to travel. This time no one is touching her." He says when She moves in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes like baby and he immediately dismiss Him hovering her face holding her cheeks with his warms palms.

"Sleep!" He says softly looking at her and caressing her hair. She slowly falls back in sleep Breathing in and Out.

He watches her sleeping, slowly a his lips curved watching her. She was no Doubt Exquisite But She was cute. He took his time to notice all features on her face. Her long lashes were fanning her cheeks, hairs sprawl on bed and lips pale yet glowing.

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