7. Wife

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Hearts are ment to be together!

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Hearts are ment to be together!

Victoria yawns sitting up on the bed. She smiled turning watching Alexis sleeping still sleeping holding the teddy bear. She gets off the bed walking into bathroom washing and pampering her body.

The Black dress was hanging on statue. She smiled taking it slipping down her body. Zipping the dress she opened her hairs blow drying it. Drying her hairs she left it in messy bun with few strands falling near her lips. Doing eyeliner, wearing red lipstick, she pot simple earrings wearing matching black heels.

She walked into kitchen and wrote note for Alexis.

I have kept the dress in closet room wear it and I will see you soon. Important Stuff!!

 Important Stuff!!

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Montgomery Estate

Victoria walked inside with Sarah and Max walking behind her. Staff stopped and stare at her, only her. She smiled getting the butler at mansion gate.

"Welcome Miss Emerson, Mr. And Mrs Montgomery are waiting for you." Butler says and they walked inside the living Hall.

Victoria smiled walking seeing Sofia Montgomery and Richard Montgomery.

"Good Morning Mr. And Mrs. Montgomery. It's nice to meet you" she says giving her hands out while Sofia takes her in hug. Richard gave her side hug and they took the seats of sofa.

"Call me Sofia and Him Richard. We are blessed that you gave your time to us. We want everything best for our son wedding." Victoria smiled seeing them.

"I will do everything to make this wedding Best Sofia" Victoria beamed with happiness. She was thinking of blowing Alexis mind with suprise. She was just waiting for her to arrive here.

"Between My Daughter in Law and Son will be here in hour. Till than you have Breakfast with us and I am not hearing NO." Victoria didn't have options than agreeing with them.

Getting up from seat they walked into dinner room seeing it big like there family was big. Butler pulls chair for her. Taking her seat she smiled at everyone while maids served them.

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