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Wedding Blues!!!

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Wedding Blues!!!

Few Days Later!!

The Bright light was enlightening the room. Room felt like warm and enlightening the mood.
Victoria was standing new vanity applying Lipstick watching herself When Ares walked inside buttoning his shirt. She glanced at him through Mirror.

He looked himself in other mirror closing wrist button when he felt piercing gaze on him

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He looked himself in other mirror closing wrist button when he felt piercing gaze on him. Shifting little he watches Victoria. She turns her face brushing her hair.

His Eyes wondered over her body like he was savoring her figure through his eyes. She looked Exquisite. White Colour suited her best.

She turns and walks out of Vanity area to shoes area

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She turns and walks out of Vanity area to shoes area. Wondering through heels from her eyes she was to pick one when She felt hand on her waist and Ares Fragrance filled her nostrils.

He picks close gift box, placing in her hands and he turned walking away wearing his Coat. She looks at him than opens the box's.

It was beautiful Pair of heels. She keeps the box away and takes seat on small stool wearing the heels. It was extremely comfortable and beautiful pair. Standing up she check it in human size mirror. She was satisfied with her look when Ares walks standing behind her watching her through the mirror.

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