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People Run After Heart; I Hold Soul Together

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People Run After Heart; I Hold Soul Together.

After Dinner she walked inside the room along with Ares. He walked taking seat on other side of bed opening his laptop. She Silently sat down and looks at her phone. Picking it up slowly she opens it finding so Many Text and Calls. Going through call she saw Ares Called her 50 times.

He Called Me? She thought and turns looking at him.

"You called me?" She asked looking at him and nods his head while looking at his laptop and typing down.

She turned back Check through mails and messages. Alexis message her number of time asking where is she and how is she. There was few from Stella also. She replied them back checking through mails.

"Tomorrow There is Party. Accompany Me" He asked typing on his Laptop Furiously.

"I am not going anywhere with you" Victoria replied straight... ly and closed her phone. He sighed through his nose and closed his laptop turning to her.

"Its Isn't a Choice!" She just watch him silently while he looked at her coldly.

"Like this whole world will know I am someone close to you when I am not. And seriously I don't wanna become threat of weakness nor anyone hostage. So, I am not going anywhere" she speaks and turns holding blanket to lay down when it was snatched away and she was grabbed.

He pushed her down on the middle of bed hovering her.

"Listen to Victory I am Not Someone you can order around. You will do as I say and speaking of Threats, Weakness and Hostage. You will be never one. Because you are no one to me. My job is protect you untill my soul dies and I will do that." He looks at her dangerously when she looked at him with equally intensity.

"You say I am no one to you than why are you protecting me Until your soul ruin." She speak dangerously looking directly through her blue orbs into his Green One.

He was shocked and suprise with her statement. She was never this dangerous for him. A Meak Rabbit was not Lioness In Front of ready to scratch the wall of his heart.

"Remember One Thing Victoria As soon as possible this job is done you are going back where from you came. So Don't Have Any False Hope." He speak and leaves her shoulder standing up walking away.

She closed his eyes relaxing on bed and open it back.

"Atleast I got my answer. Which is good for both of us. You should never fall for me Ares. It kind of threatening." She speaks through her mind.

Next Morning

Next Morning

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