3.. Kiss

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Pain makes you stronger!!

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Pain makes you stronger!!

The blue hour was around and the weather was cool, peaceful, and relaxing. The deliberate wind was whirling around and blossoming and weed looming while chicks started whistling around and commenced their days.

Mounting and sparkling from her long and serene sleep, she reopened her eyes looking around adapting to the environment. She glances around when her eyes fell on him sleeping beside her soundly. Her hands were modeled around his torso and her head on his bare chest. She could hear his soothing heartbeat. His hair was tousled, skin gleaming, and lips were calling her to kiss. Her subliminal mind registers last night's event. She nonchalantly moved her arms away from sitting holding beddings against her bare body.

He touched me after apprehending No. He will do everything to keep me here. I was so obtuse to think of moving away from him but He is Ares Azriel King; No one has ever run away from him, how could I. I had one thing left which I lost to him. She sobbed slowly, catching the sheets against her.

 She sobbed slowly, catching the sheets against her

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The counter was filled with several plates, bowls, ingredients, and fruits. She quickly flip pancakes and placed them on plates coating them with chocolate chips and strawberries while glancing at the clock, at the same time. It was half-past six in the morning and breakfast was ready.

'He is late for the flight', she assumed and closed the stove, quickly drying her hands with the towel. Victoria walked upstairs finding still sleeping soundly. "He will be late!" She stepped closer to him, slightly shaking him waking up.

"Ares!" She enunciates softly watching him while he slowly turns waking up, opening his eyes watching her standing in white top and black jeans.

"You will get late, it's half-past six," she informs moving away when Ares grabbed her wrist and pulled her over. Victoria fell directly on his chest.

"Who said I was leaving?" he asks and rolls down with her on the bed while hovering over her. Victoria's breath stemmed as she was dead for a second. 'He never stayed more than hours or a day previously.' She felt anxious and tense. He slowly moves her hair away from the face leaning kissing her neck. Her head felt light when his lips stroked her skin moving and brushing around. Her breath was pounding like a skyrocket taking her to another world.

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