39. Pregnant

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Rodriguez Mansion!

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Rodriguez Mansion!

"You Look Different!" Bella smiled and Victoria Chuckle taking her seat on kitchen counter.

"Can't Help Your Son Always Keep Me Awake at Night!" Victoria Comments making Bella Smile and pass her water.

"Did you tell him!" Bella asked and Victoria nods No looking at Ares with Archer.

"Last Night Accident kind off freaked him out. I found it at work last day when I found I missed my date and Ares also didn't remember it!" Victoria says and Bella Chuckle.

"You know I also didn't figure it out fist! I was three months long when I knew that I was expecting. If it wasn't my Best Friend I wouldn't have found any sooner." Bella Smile and Victoria smiles looking at her.

"How Did did you told Mr. Archer about it!" She sips her glass and Bella smiled remembering the best day of her life.

"I didn't! I showed him up!" She smiled and Victoria turned looking at Ares playing Video games with Archer.

"They are Kind of Best Friend. You Know Alike Minds!" Bella smiles at Victoria when She looking at her.

"I heard Arawn gave his best shot!" Bella immediately laugh loud and looks at her.

"I should be careful what my son's tell to my lovely daughter in laws!" Victoria laughs softly looking at her.

"And Yeah His Best Shot. Elizabeth Michael! The Only Heiress of Micheal Palace." Bella Announce Victoria smiles.

"Ahh He Had Direct Hand on Next Empress!" Comment making Bella look at her in confusion.

"How do you know this? Her identity is kept secret!" Bella asked and Victoria smiled keeping glass aside looking at her.

"Elizabeth and I Kinda have same college. She was Junior is Management Department to my year. Though we personally never met but she was of college talk. I was just curious about her a girl without nothing behind her. So, I got it research on myself when I learnt she has mother name Emily who used to Kings wife." Victoria stated and Bella smile.

"You are Quite Lot More than Ares tells." Victoria smile and slowly gets off the counter and looks at her.

"Ares Azriel King is Still Learning About the women he loves. I am smarter than him!" Bella immediately laughed at her Comment when they heard loud sound from living room. They immediately turned and Saw Ares and Archer.

Bella sighed and walked into hall and Victoria followed her behind.

"You women's took long! I won!" Archer smile and Bella Chuckle immediately.

"Only When Ares would have let you win!" Bella Chuckle taking seat beside Archer. Ares lend his hand to Victoria and she smiles taking it and sits beside him. He leves the remote control and looks at Bella and Archer looking at them.

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