37. Puzzles

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Spicy Men's!! Spicy Business!!

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Spicy Men's!! Spicy Business!!

At Night

Ares, And Victoria were sitting in same couch Wrapped in blanket. Her back rest against his chest and his one arms drap around her belly and other holding the book. Victoria was watching fire while Ares read it for her holding her in the Embrace.

Victoria smiled and lay calmly holding his hand on her Bella and shifts sideway keeping her head near his chest.

"You aren't hearing one!!" Ares frowns and she chuckled wrapping her arms around him.

"I was until I Heard your heartbeat." She smiled and he froze little with felicity feeling all over his nerves in his body.

"Heart fluttering but I am ain't stopping." He stated pretending to be cold and started reading book again making her smile more.

"You Brat!! You will make my lovely Granddaughter die with boredom. I am hungry go get me dinner. Oh I forgot you are making one." Senior King stated with smirk playing over his face. Ares glared him and closed the book with book mark.

"Great! Just Great!" He speaks and Victoria chuckles while Ares remove the blanket getting up wearing his toes covers walking away.

"You aren't helping him!" Senior King ordered when Victoria was to get up from seat. She just dropped back on seat holding blanket upon her watching Ares in kitchen and smiles more.

He was all engrossed in cooking. Senior King grabbed the book from table which Ares was reading few minutes sitting in silence.

Ares looked at her and Smirk hiding Chicken Opening his mouth.

"Gramps we don't have Chicken. I will get some." Victoria looked at him in half Suprise face. He smirked gesturing her to get out. She was to open her mouth when Senior King Speak.

"You Brat Cook Anything without chicken." Senior King stated while looking at him. Ares angrily turned Grabbing Chicken where he hide it keeping it out on counter and stabbed it angrily. Victoria silently laughed Leaning back on seat watching Ares starting to cook.

Next Day

Victoria zipped her Dress turning looking for her Locket when she was turned back facing the Mirror. Ares smiled moving her hairs aside placing the Locket around her neck.

"I am wish NO other Women have husband like You." She stated smiling watching him doing the Locket.

"And Why is that!" he asked when he done finally. She smiled and turned looking at him and grabbed pulling closer by his collar near her lips.

"I am Jealous Women. I want to be the Lucky One." She smirked and he looked at in Suprise. He remove her hand from his collar and grabbed her by waist making her gasp.

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