18.. Pleasure

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Pleasure or Pain You Decide!!

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Pleasure or Pain You Decide!!

In Flight

"I Love This Combination of your." He speaks moving his fingers over her clothes towards chest. While his hands moved inside her Top over her skin moving upward. Her breath Harden while he enjoyed when she took chance and pushed him away getting up.

'I Hate You So Much" She speaks turning walking away to other side of plane while he chuckled leaning to his seat.

"I am Gonna Enjoy This More." He smiled and Got up walking behind her.

She angrily walked pushing the bedroom of plane removing her Jacket and hit the door to close but it didn't.

"I Hate Him So Much" She speaks when she was grabbed and pushed on bed and Ares poise over her with his both knee on side her of her legs on the ved watching her nervous yet suprised blue eyes.

He leans to her neck and grab her both hands pinning above her head with his one hands. His breath linger over her skin while his other moved over her belly skin moving upward.

Her breath got heavier, she opens her mouth to breath when he lean his face move closer to her neck but not touching. His hand venture over Bossom making her close her eyes and breath in and out harder.

"Tell Me What You Want Victoria?" He speaks huskily watching her chest rising up and down and move his hands down again on belly taking the level on intensity down. She opens her eyes Breathing calm.

He moves his face down to her chest and breath over her Bossom taking her another level teasing intensity.

"I will keep doing this if you don't tell me what do you want." He speaks leaning brushing his lips slowly over the clothes. She arch slowly closing her eyes Breathing hard. He grabbed the sheets and tied her hands on the bed keeping it above. Her eyes opens wide looking at him while he chuckled and moved down. He hands started unbuttoning her jeans and she at once sat but he pushed her down. Standing on his knees watching her shirt rising up down while he unbutton his shirt watching her.

She tried to free her hands when he lean and caught her her watching her closely.

"This long flight is going to really fun." He smirks and removed her top to edges of her hands.

"You have everything so perfectly shaped" he smirk leaning down and removed her jeans. He smirks and again hovers over her and speaks.

"Want To Say Something Love." He moved his hands over legs teasing slowly. Victoria opens her mouth and gasp immediately while he started rubbing her inner thighs slowly and played around. She closed her eyes gasping for air and arching in anticipation when he stopped again.

"Stay It Victoria." He kissed her abdomen, belly slowly trailing kisses upward. She closes her eyes and speaks.

"Love Me Ares!!" Her voice too intense, soft to make make him unstoppable. He looked her in Suprise. His Cat Got Mouth.

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