38. Accident

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Picky Choice or Easy Choice!!

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Picky Choice or Easy Choice!!

"I Guess We are completely done with terms and thing. Anything else you want Arawn?" Ares asked looking at Arawn who was reading the contract file. He closed and turned to Ares and smile.

"I am done!" They smiled at each other when snoring sound got Their attention. Ares turns watching Sleeping Arcane on Couch and Both chuckle together.

"How Far He is?" Ares asked picking up the file and passed to Smith. He got up walking outside the Cabin leaving the two alone.

"Much Better from last month's. Less Nightmares and Stress if counting. I just know He will be fine." Arawn smiled and turned facing Ares.

"I heard You having Baby!" Ares smiled looking at him. Arawn chuckle immediately.

"Yea! I was kind of Shock at First hearing about it. But than I felt happy. I had glimpse on him in morning. It made me feel so alive and He is Growing Better!" Arawn smiled and faced Ares.

Ares was to speak when his Phone rang and saw Zane Calling. Ares pick up the Cell answering the phone.

"Yeah! Is Victoria Home?" He asked looking at Arawn who got up from his seat walking to Arcane and His security walked inside picking Sleeping Arcane.

"Sir, There is a Problem! Victoria Ma'am had Accident! We are at the hospital!" Zane stated and Ares Froze on spot. It fell like his world was falling apart in seconds. He knew nothing but to get up and walk outside ordering Smith.


Victoria winced little when Doctor applied bandage near her eyebrows overhead.

"It Hurt!!" Victoria speaks and doctor moved away looking for another injury.

She was to speak again when she heard loud angry voice from outside the doctor cabin. She sighed hearing Ares Yell on Zane.

My Husband Can Never Learn! She thought when the door was pushed open with bang. Doctor at once Froze seeing Ares. He was all angry and Furious.

He looked Damn furious Victoria Thought when Ares step near her walked and immediately took her hug. His heart was thumping Loudly scaredly. He was scared! Yes He was first time scared to lose love. She was all he had. All through the drive he was scared, Furious and hated himself leaving her alone. As he reached he knew nothing but he wanted to see her. She was sanity. Without he didn't knew what he will do.

He rushed towards her and Seeing her all okay made him relaxed at once. He felt like his world once Again came alive. She smiled immediately when he ran up hugging her tightly in her arms. He felt relaxed completely.

Victoria Smiled when eyes fell on Xavier and Zane standing. Xavier gave her warm smile while Zane looked down scaredly.

Ares moved away and held her face in her cheeks looking at her.

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