2.. Fear

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Life is Hard To Understand!!

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Life is Hard To Understand!!

At Night

House was hushed & dark. She was reading a book sitting near the fireplace along with french fries with a cold drink. The door Bell rang!! She removed her cozy blanket & got up exercising to the door. Unlocking it, she opened the door & was greeted by his dark presence. The world feared him.

He didn't greet her & walked up inside considering a seat on Sofa. Like it was his house.

Well, practically it was!

She scaredly closed the door & wandered inside standing in front of him.

"Well, this is how you greet your savior," He demanded. She nods her head negatively when he pulls her over his lap. She grappled to escape from him, but his grip got more substantial, flushing her against his chest. She scaredly looked at him.

"Still so frightened and timid," his eyes held the feeling of gratified and something more. He traced his fingers on her forehead, cheeks, and jawline moving downward. She lost all her breath when his hands came on her neck & stopped. She was nervously sitting when he leaned near her lips imperceptibly brushing them against her making her heart skyrocket. She desired to get free from his grip as soon as possible. He felt her tense as always.

"I am Hungry," He speaks delicately yet firmly. She glanced at him & got up at once agreeing. She tended to move when he grasped her wrist. Her wind was arrested in her throat.

"You got me wrong. I am Craving for you" she was stagnant, standing congealed with hysteria on the spot. He got up from his seat reaching behind and closer to her. He smirked, leaning to her ears.

"But I will like dessert first" The Cold shiver ran down her ridge. He placed a kiss on the neckline and chortled trudging upstairs leaving her solely in the hall.

She was Terrified and Restlessly held herself synchronically and led inside the kitchen with a  trembling body. The Food was cool, taking it out from the fridge she settled it on the counter and put it in the oven to heat.

The surrounding was indifferent and scary. She wasn't foreseeing him in mid of months.

"I didn't though; I will see him in halfway of months. But, whatever it is He will return day. I just need to be collected and distant from him." She thought

Victoria shut her eyes Reclining against the counter when she heard the unexpected Beeping of the oven that frightened her Again.

"It's Just Oven," She tells herself and started arranging dinner. 

The water was slipping down his body while he observed the blank walls of the bathroom. It was saturated with her body wash Fragrance. He closed the shower wrapping towel around his body and stepped into the closet room. It was the same as he left. All his gifted clothes to her were stored as it is like they were never affected. Instead, there was another section of her clothes. He looked around and seized his outfit getting ready.

Victoria settled everything on the dining table. She was arranging plates when she was grabbed by her belly and flushed against his hard chest.

Her breath halted at once. He snuggles his face in her neck while she began Trembling and getting indifferent. He grabbed her wrists and spontaneously felt her body was stiff. He swayed away and shifted her, looking at her face. She was pale and dull. He raised his hands to touch her face when she sacredly actuated away peering down.

"Dinner will get distant" She informed looking down when he grasped her waistline holding her cheeks benevolently making her Stare at him.

"I told you before Victoria and I am paraphrasing it 'You will never glance off from me.' understand!!" He commanded observing her blue orbs. She scaredly nods her head peering into his green eyes.

"Good!" He rolls away from her taking a seat on dining. She scaredly reached when he tugged her by wrists coercing her to sit on the chair. She knew the meaning of it. She served herself a small bite and started eating along with him taking small and little bites.

"How's work going?" He asked and she apprehensively nods her speaking.

"successive! got more new people" She states looking at her plate. He nods his head eating his food when his eyes fell on her wrist.

"You got scratch on your wrist." She Scaredly drew her sleeve down and nodded looking at her food.

"Did you think about it?" He claimed Again eating his food without looking at her. Her wind was again seized in her trachea. She was unable to address and prove herself in such an aura of tautness.

"I asked something Victoria?" He noiselessly hollered studying at her eventually. She felt like she was in presence of the lion who was going to attack her.

"No! ... I mean my answer is NO.," she replies Looking at her plate. Victoria didn't hear anything further from him.

After dinner, she was washing plates when she lost herself in strings of thoughts when she missed plates and it fell on the floor creating a cacophonous noise. The plate fragmented on the ground into pieces scattering around. She recoil frightened and stared southward.

Ares was in the bedroom when he heard a plate falling, clutching his gun he at once marched downstairs into the kitchen. Victoria was picking plates piece when she detected footsteps and saw Area with the gun.

"Are you ok?" he urged looking at her. She nodded while picking up the trash. He drove away with Taciturnity and she stared at him then at his Gun.

'He can do anything Victoria. Be careful!' Evoking herself she got up placing everything in the dustbin.


Victoria tensely walked standing in front of the bedroom door and knocked twice. "Come!" She heard him. Stepping inside she saw him shirtless standing looking around. She snubbed him and stepped into the closet room taking an extra pillow and blanket out. Ares was sitting in bed putting his phone aside when she wandered inside and peep at him and he interposed her.

"You know that when I am here, you will Sleep beside me?" He commanded. Victoria restlessly turns speaking.

"I will be on the couch. So can sleep harmoniously" She speaks in a low resonance looking at the floor. He snickers and gets up walking to her. She apprehensively looks away from him to the objects.

Ares grasps her waist smashing her Abreast his chest. She was startled and terrified at once. Her hands came in within holding his shoulder.

"I had never felt you. But let's finish this also. So, that you can never say no to me" He states and seized her head connecting his lips against her throat. She lost oxygen from her body while the moment was heightened. He shoved her against the wall caressing her throat and neck with his. She heave at his lips and his warm tongue stroked her skin. His tongue worked on her exposed femora moving to the abdomen pulling closer. She tried to shove him but he retained her tightly squeezing himself to her.

"You know, you can never run away from me," He tells picking her up in his arms he launched her on the bed with bounce hovering over them.

"I saved you and protected you here; that's mean you belong with me, Victoria Emerson. Remember that!" He kissed her lips clasping her hands above the head moving his lips against her his hands brushed her thorax making her moan. He intensifies the kiss holding her with both hands. In a few milliseconds, she was his in all way.

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