20. Proposal

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She slowly wakes up yawning streaching her limbs sitting on the bed

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She slowly wakes up yawning streaching her limbs sitting on the bed. Removing the cover off from her legs she keeps her legs down seeing Her Shoes kept aside.

Did Ares removed my shoes? When realisation hit her she slept on him in the car. A flush that creeps across the cheeks.

God I am so embarassing pieces. I would have looked like monkey on him. She closed her eyes hiding her face in her palms.

You are embarrassing Piece her subconscious speaks.

"If You are done embarrassing yourself. You can look at me." She instantly remove her hands watching Ares sitting in front of her. Her eyes were wide shock and heart thumping loudly.

When Did He came here? Her Subconsciousness asked herself while He smiled and cares her cheeks with his thumb speaking.

"You don't Look Monkey On But Yes A beautiful Stealing Someone's Everything." The confusion of her mind was one level up now. She looks at him while understanding nothing.

"What? I didn't steal anything Ares. I swear ..." She was babbling Scaredly.

God Why is she so innocent? He thought and instantly kissed her lips making her eyes wide and moves away looking at her.

Such a naive Theif I have. He looks at her and ease her confusion speaking.

" My Grandfather is here. He wants to see you. Get ready and come down." He smiled and got up standing.

"What Should I wear?" She asked and he turns looking at her.

"You Will find!" He gave her warm smile and walked out of room. She turns looking outside the window finding it dark. She walks into closet room angrily speaking.

"How Will I find anything?" She stops in her track with suprise seeing most beautiful dress on mannequin.

Slowly taking steps toward it she moved her hands over it. It was Beautiful, Soft, and Smooth Dress. It was green one shoulder long silk and sheer outfit with small triangle cut over her tiny belly. It was Just perfect made for real silk.

She smiled and Chuckle speaking.

Ares Azriel King can never leave me in tension. She smiled when her eyes fell on Heels Kept on stool with Other stool with Jewellery Box with Note.

All For You Wify. Take Your Time!!

She smiles and picks towel walking into bathroom.

She smiles and picks towel walking into bathroom

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