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Mature Content


Ares Drives Back To Mansion. Victoria Yawns And Leans on Car seat watching him. His Hair were tousled dark, skin glowing and few buttons of shirt opened. Her heart flutter on thought of watching her own husband like that.

He is looking Increadibly Hot And sexy. She thought when he shifts his he'd and looks at her.

"What's With Your Stare?" He asked and turns back driving.

"Nothing!! Just Thinking How Lucky I am to have most sexy specimen as My Husband" She speaks and He Laughs turning the wheels and put the speeds slow and turns looking at her.

"Than I am in trouble tonight." He winked at her and she blushed looking outside the car window blushing crimson red. She was smiling when her eyes fell on Rear view Mirror. She sits straight and turns looking behind.

"Ares! You have Send Xavier and Zane Home along With Gramps" She asked and he nods his head In Yes and turns looking at her.

"Than Who is Following Us?" She asks again looking at him. He looks at her in confusion and shifts his head back looking what was it.

"Come Drive!!" He stated Casually while she looks at him confusion. He looks at her than in front of car. The Street was clear. He bend down and picked her gown and she got up coming over the Driving seat while He shifted slowly to passenger seat and she got hold of brakes and Steering Wheel.

"What's Happening?" She asked looking at him when Ares lean and kiss her lips speaking moving away.

"Nothing Just Play Things!! Just Keep Driving to Home" He says and bends moving his hands on car base. She looks at him in confusion than in front driving silently.

He sits straight and Set His apart Guns and she looks at him suprise. "Ares!!" She was to speak in worry when Ares cut her off again and peck her lips.

"Just Keep Driving." He says and picks his phone calling Zane and he answer it immediately.

"Where are you Idiot?" Ares asks and He Answers to him.

"Behind You Sir. Keeping Security." he states and Ares groans speaking.

"You are coming home by walking." Ares states and turns shooting the Car Tyres. Victoria eyes widen with shock. She glares at him and Ares relax on seat keeping gun back where it was.

"Are You Serious Ares? You scared me!!" She says and Ares again holds her closer and kiss her lips.

"That Idiots Need to learn when I says something he needs to follow things." He explained and Victoria angrily looks at him and than drive the car with speed scaring the shit out of Him.

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