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Life's have Many Memories Only; Some We Remember and There Few We Tell

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Life's have Many Memories Only; Some We Remember and There Few We Tell.

Ares Chuckle as he walked inside holding Victoria in his arms Bridal Style while her hands were filled with shopping bags and gifts.

He smiled placing her down on couch and place quick peak over her lips.

"I will get another bags." He slowly gets up walking outside while Victoria took her boots out keeping aside and keeps bag on table from Couch.

After The University Function Ares took Victoria on shopping. It was late but his power got the shops in few minutes! He was influential!!

Victoria was sitting down when Ares walked Inside with hand full on bags while she chuckled watching him.

Ares Azriel King Is Such Oniomania. She watches him walking inside few more and more bags keeping beside door. At last few bags, he keeps them aside and beside door and locks it walking beside Victoria and bounce on sofa. He rest his head on back of sofa and shifts his head looking at Victoria. She smiles watching him while he turns looking at her.

"That was lots of Shopping!" He says while she looks at him speaking. She looked so graceful in her natural self but she looked tried.

"That's Called Oniomania!" She response when his hands came on her waist and He smiled pulling her closer placing his lips on her.

"That I am for my sweet little wife." He picks her placing on her lap while playing with her lips with his ones.

She moves away sitting over his lap and moves her hair away from face and lean kissing his lips removing his jacket from him. He smiled Kissing her deeply sitting straight holding her back tightly pulling closer against his chest.

She was move away when he grabbed her head against his lips kissing passionately and biting her lips. It felt so soft, smooths and wet. The pure bliss of his lips on her lips Havoc her senses.

He quickly changes their position and lay her on sofa moving away. The small pants leaves her mouth when he removed her dress off her one shoulder placing wet open mouth kisses all her skin.

Her head fell back in pleasure. His warms and wet lips sucked and kissed her neck. Her felt so right against his fingers like he never felt something more perfect than this. It was smooth, warm and Exciting.

Early Morning

Victoria slowly moves away sitting up on bed Rubbing her neck. Ares admired her sexy bare back while he was wrapped in duvet until his torso.

"Looks Like We Need Shower Again!" She looks around the room. The Towel and Bathrobe was scattered around the along with last night outfit.

She suddenly feels tried and sleepy. Being awake whole night in Love Ares Azriel King was something she was now used to!

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