Chapter 9

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"Wake up Annie, c'mon, get up." Damon cooed, gently shaking her shoulder.

"Mmm no, go back to sleep." She murmured, smooshing another pillow over top of her head.

"It's time for a tea party Annie, we're going to go and socialize with the ladies of mystic falls before we interrogate Elijah."

"Where did this 'we' business come from? I'm still tired." She groaned.

"Will you ever stop being tired?"


Damon huffed and grabbed the blankets before ripping them away, causing Annie to shiver. She let out a load groan which quickly turned into a yelp when Damon grabbed her hips. He yanked her from the bed before throwing her over his shoulder and waking out of the room. Annie groaned and went limp over his shoulder before smacking him in the back.

"Don't worry, we'll stop for something on the way. Maybe it'll help with your cheery attitude." He announced before throwing her onto her bed and walking out the door. "And don't even think of going back to sleep."

"Goodnight Damon!" Annie yelled before standing up and stretching her arms.

"Expect a could bucket of water to get thrown on you in the near future of you don't get up Annie!"

"Oh I'm so scared Damon, absolutely terrified!" She deadpanned as she changed into a nice white shirt. She also swapped out Damon's bloodstained leather jacket for a clean one in her size.

Annie finished putting on her boots when Damon stormed into the room and threw some water at her, but luckily she was able to get out of the way before the water could hit her.

"You asshole!" She screamed as Damon cackled and dropped the bucket on her floor before speeding away.


"You know Annie, I'm so glad I found you as a blank slate." Damon hummed, swinging his keys on his finger as the two walked up to the Lockwood mansion.

"I wasn't totally a blank slate. Besides, I think it was more like me finding you." She said, poking him in the arm with her elbow.

"You totally were. Thankfully, I was able to lovingly raise you in my image and now your a sarcastic badass, just like me." He finished, throwing an arm around her shoulder. She scoffed as the two walked up the steps.

Both were decked out in leather jackets and a white shirt, but thats where the resemblance stopped. "You know, I was a little wild child when I was younger, so it technically wasn't all you. But then, you know, the obvious trauma happened and here we are."

"You know, you could always just say, 'thank you Damon for showing me my true badass potential', that works too."

"Didn't you tell me that a true badasses don't tell people that they're badasses? And if they do they aren't a badass?" She said with a smirk. "Besides, I was the one hanging out with the avengers, that counts for more than whatever you've been doing here with teens and your little brother."

"I need a drink."

Annie giggled as Damon stomped away, obviously not getting the response he had wanted.

She walked into the house full of people she had never met and sighed to herself. Annie made her way to the corner of a less crowded room and pulled out the flask Damon had her sneak in for him, just incase.

She took a swig as a man and a woman walked up to her.

"You must be Annie, I'm Alaric Saltzman, Damon's friend. He's told me a lot of good things about you."

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now