Chapter 31

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Annie quickly dialed Damon's number and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for him to pick up. Jenna shot her a curious look and tilted her head in question, but she didn't say anything as the phone rang.

"Damon?" Annie asked when he picked up the phone, just to make sure it was him and not Stefan.

"Annie? Did you get my text?" Damon asked quickly.

"I did. Now tell me, why am I keeping a low profile?"

"Anne, I don't know if you noticed, but when you were using your powers on me- I'm going to kill you for that by the way."

"Yeah, yeah, get over it. Now elaborate, do I need to pack up or not?"

"Annie, when you used your powers, my face lit up like a fucking christmas tree. I could feel it because my whole face felt like it was on fire."

"I'll have you know that I'm only half sorry about that."

"I guess that's as good as I'm going to get. Anyway, Mikael, Klaus, and Stefan got a full view of your power through my face. They don't know it's you, but when I saw Mikael in the doorway, he looked genuinely shocked at what he was seeing."

"So they don't know it's me? Why are you telling me to keep a low profile then?"

"I'm pretty sure Klaus suspects that it was someone at the party."

"How do you know?"

"Stefan just told me that he's on the lookout and is calling his people to see if anyone knows about a witch who has powers that make people glow and burn them from the inside."

"Did Stefan tell you if Klaus suspects me?"


"Is Stefan with you right now?"

"No, my brother skipped town after Klaus gave him his freedom. I have no clue where he is right now."

"I don't think Klaus will think it's me, Damon. I'm pretty sure he'd be knocking your door down if he thought I was the witch."

"How was your little dance with him?"

Annie blushed furiously as she hung up the phone with him. Jenna still looked confused as she got off the couch and walked into the kitchen, pulling the wine out of the cabinet as Elena walked in, sighing as she ran a hand through her long dark hair.

"Hey Jenna- Annie?"

"Hi Elena."

"What are you doing here?"

"Having a little post-homecoming drink with Jenna," she answered nonchalantly, nodding her head at Jenna, who slid her a glass of wine. "I came over last night too."

"Ok then," Elena drawled, turning away and running up the stairs.

"Elena send your brother down here!" Jenna yelled, earning an 'ok' back from her niece.

"Bonnie dumped Jeremey," Jenna deadpanned as she took a sip of wine.

"No way."

"Yes way, apparently she caught him cheating on her with his dead vampire girlfriend."

"What a dick move. Don't worry Jenna, we can sort him out tomorrow when you two have training."

"Agreed,we're going to beat the cheating out of him. Over my dead body will Jeremey turn into my exes."

"What do you want, Jenna?" Came Jeremey's annoyed and dejected voice. Annie turned around on the barstool she sat on and raised her eyebrow at a disheveled Jeremey.

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