Chapter 16

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Annie let out a wheeze when Elijah finally dropped her to the ground. Her head was spinning and she stumbled around before sinking to her knees. She felt like she was sitting in a snow globe that had just been shaken by an overenthusiastic child.

'Damon was a slow bastard, his speed didn't even compare to Elijah's' She thought to herself, letting out a small cough as she shakily rose from the ground, gripping a nearby tree for support.


Her best friend who probably hated her now because she couldn't do it.

After all these years, Annie still couldn't pull the trigger.

And she was still paying for it.

A low growl interrupted her from her thoughts. Annie turned to see a fully transformed Klaus standing across from her and Elijah, who was standing with his hands leisurely resting in his pockets.

"Go, brother." She heard Elijah call out.

The large black wolf looked between her and Elijah before turning around and running off into the night. Elijah let out a small sigh and turned to face Annie, who quickly schooled her expression and stuck her hand out.

"Knife," she said simply, making a grabbing motion with her outstretched hand.

Elijah had a curious look in his eye as he carefully placed the hilt of the large knife back in her hand.

"Thank you." Annie murmured before setting the knife back in it's sheath and rubbing her arms. She looked up to see Elijah staring at her legs; more specifically where her knives rested.

"I never had the opportunity to ask you why you have such weapons." He said, pulling his gaze from her legs to her eyes. "Could you tell me?"

"First off, they're a gift. Second, they look pretty freakin' awesome." She told him, murmuring the last part quietly.

Elijah stared at her curiously. His gaze seemed to linger over every inch of her face, as though he was truly looking at her. Annie tilted her head and gave Elijah a curious look.

"What?" She asked curtly, tilting her head back and shooting Elijah a glare. "You better not be staring at the two monster pimples on my cheek. I'll use these knives to cut out your spine and chop it into 33 little bits."

"33 is quite specific."

"You have 33 interlocking little bones in your spine that are fused together. I'll chop each bone into a separate piece and I'll look great doing it."

That was a lie, she'd look like a crazed blonde butcher. She'd look like a rejected psycho from a chick flick who took her anger out on the male lead.

"So can I leave now?"

'I'd like to have my internal crisis in peace, thanks.' She wanted to say, but held her tongue.

"Unfortunately not, now come, we need to find Niklaus."


"As his elder brother, I need to clean up his messes once again."

"You're such a good big brother, I always used to get my big brother into trouble by blaming him for all the messes I made." Annie giggled to herself when she thought of her childhood before her expression dropped.

"Wait, did you kidnap me so I would have to help you clean up?" She asked indignantly.

Elijah said nothing as he turned and started walking deeper into the woods. Annie let out an annoyed scoff when she noticed the small smirk on his face.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now