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A man walked down the dimly lit hallway, the thudding of his heavy boots ricocheted with loud echos.

In his clenched metal hand is a crumpled piece of paper; the most deadly thing he has ever held. The level of damage this little paper could do far overshadowed that of his guns, grenades, and metal arm.

If this little scrap was discovered in his hand, it would earn him the severest of punishments and a likely death, no matter how valuable he was.

Men and women nod their heads to him as he passes, most avoiding eye contact. The dark paint surrounding his eyes and cold stare made most bow their heads, not wanting to spare a glance at him. It was this little tidbit that kept any suspicion of him at bay. For that, he was extremely grateful.

The man quickly made his way down a new empty hall, careful to keep a steady pace as to not appear suspicious. He paused at a heavy steel door at the end of the hall and could someone stirring inside. He gently jiggled his key into the lock and opened the door before silently closing it behind him, trying to keep the noise from echoing throughout the hall.

A woman was turned on her side, tangled blonde curls falling over her shoulders and back. After the door closed, she sat up on her thin cot and turned to face him. She watched as he subtly angled himself between her and the security camera on the opposite wall.

He let the piece of paper fall out in front of him, kicking it into the dark shadows under the cot where the camera could not see.

He pulled another set of papers from his pocket and handed them to her, watching as her eyes skimmed the papers.

These were acceptable for them to be seen with for they contained information on her next mission. She had not been sent out into the field often, but occasionally she would be sent in for experience training.

She grimaced as she read over the information for her next mission.

The mission for which she was made.

She nodded her head in acknowledgment and waited for him to exit the room before setting the papers on the ground next to the cot. When the papers touched the floor, she slipped them under her bed and grabbed the crumpled paper in her fist. She kept it carefully blocked from the camera before turning back onto her side, slipping the crumpled paper under her pillow.


The woman was pacing her cell when night fell. She gently rubbed a finger over the freshly healed skin on her arms and snuck a glance at the camera. The little red lights were still blinking which meant she was still being monitored.

The woman sighed and sat down on her bed. She resisted the temptation to reach her hand under her pillow to sneak one more glance at the crumpled paper. She had the contents memorized, but worry and doubt still clouded her racing thoughts.

The two had been working on this for almost a month and they both knew failure wasn't an option.

Her head shot up when she heard a faint beeping noise and noticed the little red lights on the camera go dark.

There's her signal.

She jumped to her feet and opened the door to her cell which the man had left unlocked for this moment.

She took a deep breath and grabbed the crumpled piece of paper from under her pillow. She stuffed it into her pocket before silently making her way down the hall.

The piece of paper containing the master map of the facility made a slight crinkling noise as she ran, but not loud enough to alert anyone.

She saw the man standing next to the rendezvous exit they had agreed on days prior. He wore a mask and eye paint, but she could tell he was exhausted. The woman pulled him into a tight hug, which he returned fervently.

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now