Chapter 32

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Elena Gilbert was hurrying around her kitchen, placing plates on the table for lunch. She set out cups and utensils before setting out the lunch she had prepared.

"Jeremey!" She called, cupping her hands around her mouth as she shouted before waiting for her brother.

Jeremey sluggishly made his way down the stairs, clutching the banister for dearly needed support. He hauled himself to the table, sitting down in a chair before putting his head down on the table.

"Jenna, I made lunch!" Elena yelled, tapping her fingers on the wall as she waited for Jenna to respond.


Elena waited another minute before turning to Jeremey, who'd nearly fallen asleep at the table.

"Jeremey, do you know where Jenna went? I didn't hear her leave."

"Dunno," he slurred, not moving an inch.

"Where could she be?" Elena wondered aloud as she took a step up the stairs.

She turned and headed back down when she heard her phone ringing in the kitchen, sighing in relief when she saw Jenna's name pop up on the screen.

"Jenna? Where are you?"

"Elena? Elena, is that you? Oh thank god, listen Elena, don't do anything he tells you-"

Elena's hand flew to her mouth as she let out a whimper. Jenna sounded so scared over the phone. The doppelgänger could tell her aunt had been crying from the several breaks in her voice.

"Jenna?" Elena asked tentatively after hearing some crashing in the background. She let out a cry when she heard Jenna cry out. Tears began to fall from Elena's eyes when she was met with nothing but silence on the other line.

"Hello Elena," came Klaus's smug tone after a pause.

"Klaus!" She hissed, wiping away her tears. "Where is my Aunt Jenna?"

"She's safe for now," Klaus drawled, pausing for a moment before he continued speaking, allowing his words to resonate with Elena. "However, I may be inclined to do something horrible to her if you cannot find Stefan for me."

"But... but Stefan's gone! He left town after homecoming."

"Well, you see, that is a shame. Stefan stole from me. I need him found so I can take back what's mine."

Elena gripped the phone tighter and squared her shoulders. "That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem. Now let Jenna go, she has nothing to do with this."

"Well, this is me broadening the scope, sweetheart," Klaus growled into the phone before Jenna let out another pained cry.

"Wait, wait, don't hurt her, please, I'll find Stefan! Just don't hurt Jenna, please Klaus."

"Now there's a good girl. Remember, clock is ticking Elena and I'm not very patient."


Klaus hung up the phone with a smile before looking at Jenna and Annie, who burst out laughing. Both women were holding the other as they doubled over, Klaus letting out a low chuckle at the sight.

"I... can't... believe she... bought that!" Annie wheezed, trying to calm herself down before laughing again.

A minute later, both of them took deep breaths as they tried to calm themselves down. Jenna wiped a tear as Annie rubbed her eyes.

"My stupid neice is so gullible. No way Jeremey would've fallen for that."

"How did you manage such a performance, Jenna?" Klaus asked, a small smile still on his face.

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