Chapter 45

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Once again, writer's block is a bitch. This is kind of a filler chapter, but it is something I had planned for a while ago. Sorry in advance.

"What do you mean, 'super-soldier competition'" Bucky asked as he exited the jet.

Clint had a mischievous look in his eyes as he glanced over at Natasha, who mirrored his look with a smirk.

"You four are going to do the challenge Nat and I do once a year."

"What challenge?" Annie and Nate asked simultaneously, Annie raising an eyebrow as Nate crossed his arms.

"Nat and I do a competition to see who can do the most bar muscle-ups in a row," Clint explained, moving towards Annie's dual pull-up bars that she and Jenna liked to mess around on.



Annie and Nate spoke in unison, both of them staring at the bar with mutual distaste.

"I want Annie on my team," Bucky said, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her towards him. "She's the queen of these."

"Damn right I am."

"She just sucks at pull-ups."

"How does that even work?" Steve asked, glancing at the two who were quietly working on a battle pose. "How can you be good at bar muscle-ups and suck at pull-ups? You need to be good at pull-ups in order to even attempt a bar muscle up."

"I don't suck at them," Annie defended, smacking Bucky in the chest, careful not to hit the metal in his arm again. "I'm good at doing the hard things, not the easy things."

"You pulled a muscle doing pull-ups and then you called them useless."

"Yeah, they are. Bar muscle-ups will help you pull yourself all the way up. All you do in pull-ups is get your chin to the bar and look like a demented seal while you're at it."

"Is that your excuse not to do them anymore?"

"It's not an excuse, it's the truth."

"Nat and I already picked teams. I have the Satan spawns and Nat has the Brooklyn boys."

"Did you just call us Satan spawns?" Nate asked Clint, gesturing between himself and Annie, earning a nod in return. "Well, you're wrong. It's just Angelika."

"Well that's your team name now, so get over here."

"I want a new team," Nate grumbled as he pulled Annie over towards Clint.

"Hey wait, this isn't fair! Bucky has a metal arm and Nate and my serums tested to be weaker than theirs."

"Speak for yourself," Nate muttered.

"We have the same serum, dumbass."

"Don't mind us, we're just going to watch the show," Katherine called out.

Annie turned to see everyone out of the jet, standing and watching them with amusement. Everyone except Klaus. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked for her boyfriend, and her face fell slightly when she realized Klaus was nowhere in sight.

"What does the winner get?" Sam called out, looking at Natasha and Clint expectantly.

"This isn't fair," Annie continued, but her complaints were ignored.


Thor let go of Loki and turned towards the jet, rushing inside before emerging with two bottles in his hands.

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