Chapter 41

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When Annie awoke, she found herself laying on a plush couch. She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings, finding herself in a room filled with paintings and art supplies.

She sat up on the couch and looked down in front of her to find a computer.​​ There was a black screen, meaning it was powered off, but her eyes widened when she noticed the flash drive sticking out of a port on the side of the computer.

She pressed a button on the computer and the screen lit up, revealing the part of the video footage where Klaus was carrying her out.

The video was at the very end.

He watched it.

Annie didn't really know how to feel. 

On one hand, she felt relieved that he'd been shown exactly what happened. On the other, she felt slightly embarrassed that he'd watched footage of her getting her ass beaten while tied down to a chair.

"I see you are awake."

Annie looked up to see Klaus learning on the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest and an emotionless expression on his face.

"Rebekah actually gave this to you? I was sure she wouldn't," Annie said quietly as Klaus made his way over to her.

"I asked her for it after you left."

"What, why?" She blurted out.

"I heard you at the door. I heard everything."

"Still think I'm a liar?" She asked quietly, turning her head away from his gaze and towards the computer.

Klaus sat next to her on the couch and rewound the footage. She watched the screen; the part Klaus pulled up was when she got stabbed.

She watched her father turn his back and pick up a syringe while she sat smirking in the background, unaware of what was going to happen.

Her father turned around and held out the needle and Annie watched her face on the screen fall and a look of fear flash across her features.

She struggled in the seat as her father tipped her head to the side before aggressively jamming the needle into her neck.

Annie flinched as she heard her scream echo through the computer. Klaus wound the footage so they were further in. 

She was reclining in the chair, about to get her brain zapped. She heard the click of the machine and saw her body begin to jerk in the chair before another scream sounded from the computer.

Annie turned her head away from the screen, not wanting to watch any more.

'Guess I'm the squeamish one,' she thought to herself.

Klaus paused the footage and closed the computer as Annie let out a shaky breath.

"You can't fake something like that," he said quietly, brushing her hair away from her neck before his finger gently glided across the spot on her neck where she'd been stabbed. "Especially when I was the one who healed you. I was the one who pulled you out of the chair. And it was I who didn't believe you."

"I mean, it's kind of hard to believe me when I killed you and my best friend out of the blue," she said quietly, her breath hitching when Klaus's finger brushed over a particularly sensitive part of her neck.

She completely stopped functioning when he leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on the same spot.

"Tell me what happened, Annie," her murmured.

"Why? You saw what happened," she rebutted defensively, crossing her arms as Klaus pulled away.

"What I mean is, tell me what happened after you left."

His Fallen Angel ~N. M~ (Marvel Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now